The Hair Transplant Procedure, Techniques, and All Steps are described in detail

Thinking about getting a hair transplant in Dubai but unsure about the details? You have arrived at the correct location! We will go over the hair transplant process in depth, including the mechanics and various techniques used, as well as answer any typical questions you may have. Whether you're considering this revolutionary operation or simply looking for more information, we've got you covered.

Are you considering a hair transplant but unsure about the procedure or techniques involved? Look no further! In this detailed guide, we'll go over everything you need to know about the hair transplant procedure, including how it works, the different hair transplant procedures used, and commonly asked questions.

What is the hair transplant process?

By moving healthy hair follicles from areas of the scalp with significant hair growth to those experiencing thinning or balding, the hair transplant procedure is a complex surgical attempt to address hair loss. Commonly used to treat male pattern baldness, this treatment has demonstrated effectiveness in treating a variety of other hair loss problems.

We meticulously extract hair follicles from donor sites, often found on the posterior or lateral portions of the scalp. After extraction, we carefully place these follicles in recipient sites to achieve a natural-looking hair distribution. The hair transplant procedure aims to revitalize both hair density and cosmetic appeal by strategically relocating healthy follicles to areas of concern.

Beyond the primary goal of treating baldness or thinning hair, hair transplantation provides psychological benefits such as increased self-confidence and overall well-being. Hair transplantation is becoming a popular and effective treatment for addressing hair loss, aided by ongoing advances in surgical procedures and technological developments. As a result, it provides people suffering from hair loss with the opportunity to restore a lush mane while also finding a strong sense of confidence.

How do hair transplants work?

A hair transplant involves moving healthy hair follicles from parts of the scalp with abundant hair growth to areas of thinning or balding, resulting in a fuller and more youthful-looking head of hair.

Understanding how a hair transplant works reveals a number of important steps:

Consultation You will meet with a hair transplant surgeon before beginning the procedure. Here, you'll discuss your goals, medical history, and suitability for the treatment.
Prior to surgery, extensive preparation occurs. Your scalp is cleansed, and then a local anesthetic is applied to alleviate any discomfort caused by the treatment.
Donor's Hair Extraction Hair follicles are meticulously removed from the donor area using either follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedures.

Recipient Site Preparation Precision is essential, as tiny incisions are made in the recipient area to prepare it for the transplant procedure.

Graft Placement The removed hair follicles are carefully transplanted into the recipient areas, ensuring a smooth and natural appearance.

Post-operative Care Following the transplant, the focus moves to postoperative care. You will be given detailed instructions on how to care for your scalp and freshly transplanted hair in order to promote maximum recovery and reduce the risk of problems.

What are hair transplant techniques?

Exploring the procedures used in hair transplantation reveals two main methods:

Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

This approach includes extracting individual hair follicles straight from the donor location with a specialized tool. The follicles are then painstakingly transplanted into the recipient site. FUE is preferred for its low scarring and quick recovery time.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

In contrast, FUT involves the excision of a strip of skin from the donor area, which is usually positioned at the rear of the scalp. This strip is then separated into individual follicular units, which are later implanted. While FUT can provide a better graft yield per session, it leaves a linear scar at the donor site.

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure and Steps

Exploring the steps in a FUE hair transplant reveals a rigorous technique intended to give natural-looking outcomes with minimal invasiveness:

Consultation and Planning Your surgeon assesses your hair loss pattern and objectives in order to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs, starting with a personalized approach.
Donor's Hair Extraction Individual follicular units are carefully retrieved from the donor area using a small, hollow device in order to preserve their integrity for transplantation.
Recipient Website Creation Precision is essential, as tiny incisions are made in the recipient area, deliberately positioning it to accept the retrieved hair follicles.
Graft Placement The surgeon carefully implants the excised follicular units into the recipient areas, maintaining optimum angulation and density to merge with existing hair for a realistic appearance.
Post-operative Care Following the transplant, you will be given detailed guidelines for scalp and hair care to ensure maximum recovery and the best possible results.

What Are the Steps Before Getting a Hair Transplant?

General examination and testing. A general health examination and blood test will be performed to ensure the patient's suitability and ability to undergo such a surgery. The Norwood scale is used to determine the amount of male pattern baldness. The possible results are Norwood 2, Norwood 3, Norwood 4, Norwood 5, and Norwood 6.

Meeting with the surgeon to determine the quantity of grafts. First, you will visit the surgeon and have your hair checked. At this point, one may wonder, "How many hair grafts do I need?" The surgeon will determine how many grafts are required to be put in the bald areas. The surgeon will discuss and create the frontal hairline that fits the patient's face.

How do I prepare for a hair transplant?

Before having a hair transplant surgery, the patient should do and avoid the following:

Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided for at least one week before surgery.
Stop taking any blood transfusions (including aspirin) at least three days before surgery.

Avoid excessive workload and stress

The patient should avoid eating substantial meals the day before surgery.
During the patient's medical checkup, the doctor may also provide further, particular advice. It is also recommended that you get a decent night's sleep the day before surgery.

What are the steps for a hair transplant?

Prepare the donor area for hair transplant surgery

Before the hair transplant procedure begins, the donor area must be cleaned and prepped by washing and shaving the hair. One of the medical teams involved in your surgery will perform this procedure. After this procedure is completed, the donor location will receive local anesthesia.

Follicles are extracted from the donor location

The follicles will be retrieved from the donor area using a micropunch tool and stored in a specific solution before being transferred to the recipient location.

Preparing the recipient's location

The surgeon will make a number of tiny incisions in the recipient area to insert the retrieved follicles later using a unique small and sharp hair transplant tool called K.E.E.P. (Koray Erdogan Embedding Placer). This process typically takes 1 to 2 hours, depending on the number of grafts.

Plant the harvested follicles

The grafts will be placed into the incisions one at a time with a specific tool until all follicles have been planted in the regions specified prior to surgery. After that, the region will be washed and bandaged to aid in recuperation. During the previous steps, breaks may be provided to ensure the patient's comfort and relaxation.

Getting rest

After the previous processes have been completed, the patient may depart and return home to rest until the next session following the procedure. The patient should rest and not engage in strenuous physical activities. The doctor will prescribe any essential medication (painkillers, for example). Patients will be given instructions on how to maintain their recently planted grafts, how to wash their hair in a way that does not hurt the grafts, and how to ensure the treatment is totally effective.

Rehabilitation time

Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is a non-invasive operation with a quick recovery period. Patients will wash their hair once a day with cold water, shampoo, and lotion given by the Asmed Clinic. Nonetheless, the scalp should be shielded from the sun. After 10 days of surgery, patients can resume their normal lives and activities. The ultimate findings should not take more than nine months to a year to appear. During this time, it is always preferable to keep the doctor informed of hair growth development.