Introduction to Picosure Tattoo Removal

Picosure Tattoo Removal Dubai is a revolutionary laser technology that has transformed the tattoo removal process. Unlike traditional methods, Picosure uses picosecond pulses to target ink particles, breaking them down into smaller, more easily eliminated fragments. This results in faster and more effective tattoo removal with fewer sessions required.

Benefits of Picosure Tattoo Removal

One of the main benefits of Picosure tattoo removal is its speed and effectiveness. Picosure can remove tattoos in fewer sessions compared to other lasers, saving time and money. Additionally, Picosure is less painful than traditional methods and is suitable for all skin types.

How Picosure Tattoo Removal Works

Picosure works by delivering ultra-short pulses of energy to the tattooed area. These pulses are so fast that they cause a shockwave effect, targeting the ink particles without harming the surrounding skin. Over time, the body's immune system removes the fragmented ink, gradually fading the tattoo.

Why Choose Picosure Tattoo Removal in Dubai

Dubai is known for its high-quality healthcare services, and Picosure tattoo removal is no exception. With state-of-the-art clinics and experienced professionals, Dubai offers a safe and reliable option for tattoo removal. Additionally, the competitive pricing in Dubai makes Picosure an affordable choice for many.

Cost of Picosure Tattoo Removal in Dubai

The cost of Picosure tattoo removal in Dubai varies depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo. On average, prices start at AED 500 per session, but multiple sessions are usually required for complete removal. Some clinics offer package deals for multiple sessions, which can help reduce the overall cost.

What to Expect During a Picosure Tattoo Removal Session

During a Picosure tattoo removal session, the area will be cleaned, and a numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort. The laser will then be used to target the tattooed area, which may cause a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin. After the session, the area may be red and swollen, but this typically subsides within a few hours.

Preparing for Picosure Tattoo Removal

Before undergoing Picosure tattoo removal, it's important to consult with a qualified professional to assess your eligibility for the treatment. You may be advised to avoid sun exposure and certain medications in the days leading up to your appointment to ensure the best results.

Aftercare Tips for Picosure Tattoo Removal

After Picosure tattoo removal, it's essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your healthcare provider. This may include keeping the area clean and dry, avoiding sun exposure, and applying an ointment to promote healing. It's also crucial to attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.

Results and Recovery Time

The results of Picosure tattoo removal are not immediate, as the body takes time to eliminate the fragmented ink particles. Most people see significant fading after just one session, with complete removal achieved in multiple sessions. The recovery time is minimal, with most people able to resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Picosure Tattoo Removal

  1. How many sessions of Picosure tattoo removal are needed?
  2. Is Picosure tattoo removal painful?
  3. Are there any side effects of Picosure tattoo removal?
  4. How long does it take to see results from Picosure tattoo removal?
  5. Is Picosure tattoo removal safe for all skin types?


Picosure tattoo removal offers an affordable and effective solution for those looking to remove unwanted tattoos in Dubai. With its advanced technology and minimal side effects, Picosure is a popular choice for many. If you're considering tattoo removal, consult with a qualified professional to see if Picosure is right for you.