If players fought in Path of exile currency the same locations, A sequel could get boring. From footage the regions of Act 1 are reminiscent of Dark Souls Diablo and, surprisingly. The motivated and dimly lit caverns swamps help vary shores from the very first game and the cities. Along with these environments comes with enemies to fight. Enemies explode enraging those nearby. Projectiles rain from skeleton archers along with undead swarm the player's position, making the start of the game considerably more engaging than the first game's intro.

While perhaps not many weapons are shown up to now, spears have been verified to be in Path Of Exile. Only these two improvements will include dramatic build number and replay value into the game, providing Path Of Exile a significant leg up in comparison to its competitors.

Another fan request, there are now abilities to transform into beasts. New skill gems allow gamers to toggle on monster forms, which range to a bear from a werewolf. There's also. Does this allow for playstyles that are new, but in addition, it helps support those builds fighting with mechanisms that are certain. Want survivability in your ballista build? Turn into a bear. Want to gain melee buffs that are powerful to fight along with your undead army? The build possibilities will be staggering with buy POE currency this addition, putting RPGS like The Witcher 3 to shame.