A beautiful smile can certainly boost your confidence but it also perfectly reflects your health and happiness. While genetics can have a lot to do with it, so does an orthodontist. Orthodontists help to craft these smiles with their specialized treatment and care beyond that of your regular dentist. They’re the experts at aligning your teeth and jaw to give you that shining smile and a functional and healthy bite.


The Special Role of an Orthodontist


Orthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on correcting your teeth and jaw alignment issues. An orthodontist is a dentist but they also spent several extra years specializing their training to deal with dental and facial irregularities. It’s this special training that takes them above and beyond your ordinary dentist and turns them into someone who can offer a range of treatments from traditional metal braces to clear aligners.


Benefits of Getting Orthodontic Treatment


Most people think braces are simply about getting that perfect smile you can be proud to flaunt but it’s much more than that. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean which decreases your risk of cavities and gum disease. Aligned teeth and bite makes it easier to chew and even speak clearly. Those are the physical benefits. Psychologically, having a beautiful smile that you can be proud of gives you a significant boost in self-esteem and can improve your socialization.


Choosing the Right Orthodontist


You need to find someone you trust and can work with. Look for a certified professional. Keep an eye out for members of reputable associations like the American Association of Orthodontists. Being members of these organizations means they’ve completed the extensive training that makes them the best in their field and hold them to high standards of care. Reviews from other patients can be really helpful too. Once you’ve narrowed down your list, schedule a consultation and see how well you get along.


What to Expect During Your Orthodontic Treatment


After finding the perfect orthodontist for you, you’ll start with an initial consultation and exam. This exam will also include x-rays and impressions so your orthodontist can tailor your treatment plan to your mouth. After that, your treatment depends on what needs to be fixed and your lifestyle preferences. Traditional braces are efficient and relatively quick but there’s also clear aligners that offer a more clandestine treatment that older patients prefer. Your orthodontist will happily discuss what options are best for your case.




Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your smile and your health and well-being. Find a skilled orthodontist and let them guide you to the best smile and improved oral health. If you’re considering seeing an orthodontist, take that first step and schedule a consultation today.