Water purifiers are essential appliances that ensure we have access to clean and safe drinking water. Among the most trusted brands in water purification is Kent, known for its innovative technology and reliable products. To ensure your Kent water purifier continues to perform efficiently and has a long lifespan, proper maintenance is crucial. In this blog post, we'll discuss some essential maintenance tips and tricks to help you extend the lifespan of your Kent water purifier, ensuring clean and healthy drinking water for years to come.


Regular Cleaning and Sanitization

Regular cleaning is fundamental to maintaining the performance and longevity of your Kent water purifier. Over time, dirt, sediment, and mineral deposits can accumulate in the filters and various components, affecting the purification process. Here's how you can keep your purifier clean:

  • Clean the Filters: Depending on the model, Kent water purifiers come with different types of filters, such as sediment filters, activated carbon filters, and RO membranes. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to clean or replace the filters at the recommended intervals.
  • Sanitize the Storage Tank: The water storage tank can be a breeding ground for bacteria and algae if not cleaned regularly. Use a mild detergent solution or a sanitizing agent recommended by Kent to clean the tank thoroughly.
  • Wipe External Surfaces: Regularly wipe down the external surfaces of the water purifier with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Pay special attention to the control panel, faucets, and dispensing area.


Replace Filters and Membranes Timely

Filters and membranes are the heart of any water purifier, including Kent purifiers. Over time, these components lose their efficiency and need to be replaced to maintain optimal performance. Here's what you need to know about filter and membrane replacement:

  • Follow the Schedule: Kent provides recommendations for filter replacement intervals based on usage and water quality. Adhere to these schedules strictly to ensure your water purifier continues to deliver safe and clean drinking water.
  • Monitor Filter Lifespan: Many Kent water purifiers come with filter change indicators that alert you when it's time to replace the filters. Keep an eye on these indicators and replace the filters promptly when required.


Regular Servicing and Professional Maintenance

While you can perform basic maintenance tasks yourself, it's essential to schedule periodic servicing by professionals, especially if you reside in Haldwani. Here's why professional servicing is crucial:

  • Expert Inspection: Professional technicians from Kent water purifier service in Haldwani have the expertise to thoroughly inspect your purifier, identify any issues, and address them before they escalate.
  • Complete Maintenance: During servicing, technicians will not only clean the filters and components but also check for any leaks, malfunctioning parts, or performance issues.
  • Preserve Warranty: Regular servicing by authorized technicians ensures that your purifier remains under warranty coverage. In case of any defects or issues, you can rely on the warranty for repairs or replacements.


Avoid Common Mistakes

In addition to following proper maintenance procedures, it's essential to avoid common mistakes that can shorten the lifespan of your Kent water purifier:

  • Using Untreated Water: Kent water purifiers are designed to treat potable water. Using untreated water containing high levels of sediment, hardness, or contaminants can reduce the lifespan of filters and membranes.
  • Neglecting Leaks: Even minor leaks in the water purifier can lead to water wastage and damage internal components. Promptly address any leaks by tightening fittings or seeking professional assistance.
  • Ignoring Unusual Sounds or Odors: Unusual sounds, odors, or changes in water taste can indicate underlying issues with your water purifier. Don't ignore these signs; instead, have the purifier inspected and serviced promptly.



A Kent water purifier is an investment in clean, safe, and healthy drinking water for your family. By following these maintenance tips and tricks, you can extend the lifespan of your water purifier, ensuring it continues to perform efficiently and effectively. Remember to clean the purifier regularly, replace filters and membranes as recommended, schedule professional servicing, and avoid common mistakes. With proper care and maintenance, your Kent water purifier will serve you well for years to come, providing you with peace of mind and a continuous supply of pure water.