Trademark assignment is a legal written document executed between the assignor and assignee. Trademark Assignment in India acts as the portion of the transfer of ownership of rights, title, and interest from one party to another, it can be recognized by word, phrase, and symbol or design or trademark related to the business.

Trademark assignment is a formal written document that acts as the part of the transfer of ownership of a recognized phrase, word,  and symbol or design or trademark from one party to another. The Current Owner of that particular trademark is known as "the Assignor", and the future owner is named as "the Assignee".

A trademark is a valuable asset or prized possession as it helps the end-users to link with the same qualities with a known brand quickly. This trademark agreement helps the owner to transfer the goodwill of the trademark properly to another party without facing any problems or hurdles.

Checklist of Trademark Assignment Agreement
A simple Trademark Assignment Agreement will key out the following basic checklist:

  • Trademark: – That describes the legally distinguished word, phrase or symbol or design including the official trademark number if the trademark has been filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
    Effective Date – When the recognized trademark is formally transferred to the mark owner.
    Consideration- Fee payment is paid for the mark
    Assignor- the current owner who is owning the trademark
    Assignee – the future owner who is giving money to get or to own the trademark
    Warranties- the assignor assures that the Assignor is the true present owner and have the power to transfer the ownership and own the power or right to transfer the trademark
    Signatures- that states that the assignor and the assignee must come to a contract or an agreement
    Notary Public- The agreement or the contract must be notarized in case the assignee expects to register the trademark outside the country.