Rectification is the genuine procedure to address or correct an error or an omission that has been made after the trademark registration in the subtleties of a trademark as recorded in the trademark register. File rectification is the arrangement of such cases that the Indian Trademark Act has drafted. It is possible that you may happen to register the mark in a wrong manner or it might stay accessible on the register after expiry.

Continuing further into Trademark Rectification we should initially understand what 'Trademark Rectification” is and when does it show up in trademark registration?

Any sort of changes, rectification, adjustment or modification acted in the registered trademark or in the Register of Trademarks is known as Trademark Rectification.

In India Chapter VII of the Trademark Act of 1999 administers the privilege identified to trademark rectification. Section 57 of the Trademark Act 1999 states that any individual disturbed by such section in the trademark register can report utilization of the trademark rectification. However, trademark rectification does not work in each circumstance, now and again, and a mistake can lead to cancellation of trademark registration.

Filing Trademark Rectification
It will, in general, be recorded by the owner of the trademark itself for eliminating the specific blunder. It may moreover be recorded by some other individual or substance being violated by such section. Note:  that convincing verification is to be assembled by the candidate, especially on account of the removal of any enlisted trademark of some other individual/substance from the register of trademarks.