Trademark Registration
A Trademark Registration Online is a unique identifier that provides uniqueness to your product or service in a way that stands out from the rest in the business market. This unique identity can be a logo, photograph, slogan, smell, word, sound, graphics or colour combination and so on. For what reason your product or service attracts the consumers, hold that and play in the Market! Register Trademark in India to protect your distinct identities with Kanakkupillai experts!

Importance of Trademark Registration

Business Opportunity
A product or service that has been marketed under a registered trademark aids in building up trust, quality, reliability, and goodwill in the customer’s mind. It provides you with a unique identity compared with other sellers particularly when you trade it on online platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, and so on.

A Legal Protection
No one can use your registered trademark and In case if you doubt anybody to a business that your trademark is being copied, you can file a case legally and sue them for registering your brand name, logo or slogan.

Obtain your Unique Identity
Customers usually identify a particular service or product only with their brand name. Hence by registering a trademark it assures that competitors should not use it and your trademark remains as a company’s unique asset for a long time.

An Asset
The trademark is considered a valuable asset as it creates a brand name and succeeds in it. And it can be contracted, traded and franchised in a commercial manner.

Global Filing of Trademark
A trademark which is filed and registered in India can also be registered in other countries too. Likewise, foreigner brands or companies can also file a trademark registered in India.

Trademark symbols and its utilizations

R Symbol
After a trademark is registered, the applicant can start out using the ® symbol to mean that the trademark is filed and protected from violation as per the Trademark laws.

C Symbol
™ Symbol The ™ symbol used by the trademarks which are unregistered and this symbol is thus used to point that a trademark application exists in the trademark registration process.

SM Symbol
The Service Mark or ‘SM’ symbol is used in the service industry, especially for service mark applications which are registered under class 35-45.