MBBS in Moldova Offers You Unique Platform for Your Bright Professional Career!

Hello dear visitors are you an MBBS enthusiast and searching for pursuing MBBS in a foreign country.

If so, the time which you will spend on this page will be beneficial for you. The page provides you with comprehensive ideas on MBBS in Moldova.

If you are an Indian and eager to study MBBS in a foreign country then studying MBBS in Moldova proves to be advantageous.

In Moldova, the MBBS programme places a strong emphasis on practical training. Teachers in Moldovan medical colleges are capable of preparing their students to pass national licensure exams and integrate them into the healthcare system. The exceptional infrastructure of Moldova contributes to the high calibre of healthcare provided there. The majority of students have always dreamed of studying medicine, but their dreams have never come true. Furthermore, due to extremely high requirements and tuition costs, Indian students are unable to pursue a medical degree in their own nation. In order to fulfil their ambition of becoming doctors, Indian students frequently choose to study for their MBBS in Moldova.

The advantages of studying medicine in Moldova

· Moldovan MBBS graduates are eligible to study or work in the USA.

· Moldovan MBBS graduates are accepted by the MCI, US medical boards, and all of Europe.

· The degree program’s curriculum aligns with the syllabus utilised by US colleges.

· All Moldovan medical universities are backed by first-rate facilities equipped with cutting-edge technology.

· Many Indian students are enrolled in Moldovan universities.

· A group of international students gather in Moldova to pursue dental studies.

· One of the most popular study abroad locations in the UK is now Moldova.

· English is the language of teaching.

· Moldova has a high cost of living, although it is moderately priced overall. For example, utilities are cheap, but gadgets are expensive.

· Simple visa application process (takes 40–60 days)

· After the study programme is over, students are permitted to stay for a year. That firm has the option to extend your work permission.

· Simple Admissions Process

· Jobs that are part-time permitted 20 hours a week.

Moldovan medical universities offer the following courses:

· General Medicine Dentistry

· American Pharmacy Programme

After completing these courses successfully, graduates of foreign medical colleges have the following options:

· Start working as a doctor in Moldova or India.

· Pass the USMLE exam and choose to pursue a career in medicine in the US after graduation.

· Attend PLAB and complete your post-graduation medical education in the UK. 
 Choose to enrol in MBBS in Moldova.

Faculty in Moldova’s medical colleges have devised specific methods to prepare students to pass the national licence exam and to be integrated into the hospital system for future jobs. Moldova is among the most reasonably priced nations for Indian students who wish to pursue medical studies in Europe.

Ria Overseas is readily available for you with all the possible supports to study MBBS in Moldova. For the last couple of years many Indian students have avail the consultant services of Ria Overseas for taking MBBS admission in their desirable foreign countries.