If the time has come for you to start the journey of having braces, you may have a lot of questions. You may be wondering how long you will need braces, what they will do to your mouth, and how they will end up helping you in many other ways beyond just how straight your smile will be.


You may also be curious about the braces options out there. There are now multiple ways for you to improve your smile via braces, including Damon braces. They are a very specific type of tool that your orthodontist may elect to use. What are they, how do they work, and why might they be right for you?


If you’re seeing a lot of ads for Damon Braces in Bellingham, WA, you need to know more about them. Here are some starting facts you should understand.


What Are Damon Braces?

Damon braces are what are known as “self-ligating” braces that give you an alternative to traditional, old-fashioned braces that are used for straightening teeth and treating a number of bite issues.


Damon braces use a unique design and creative technology to give you an effective and satisfying orthodontic treatment.


What sets them apart is that Damon braces have a special type of build that keeps the archwire frame in place without the use of elastic bands.


It might seem like a small detail but this means that the brackets come with built-in clips to keep the archwire in place. This will avoid the need for elastic or metal tools that are built into the braces.


The Damon braces system creates a much smoother and more efficient movement of the teeth and jaw throughout the entire treatment process.


Customized Treatment

Damon braces are built specifically for you depending on your oral health, specific issues in your mouth, and your overall treatment goals.


Your orthodontist will use modern imaging technologies, such as digital imprints and 3D modeling. This will help them create a tailored treatment plan that will achieve your goals and give you the smile you want.


This special, one-of-a-kind method ensures that your teeth move and align properly throughout the treatment process.


Damon braces are gradual and comfortable and you might not even notice them working over the months, because they are so painless.


Damon braces use a mild but continuous force to gently and constantly shift your teeth into the right and ideal positions. The technology of Damon braces allows for a smoother movement of the jaw and the teeth with far less pain and fewer adjustments throughout the entire process.


You will ultimately feel less pressure and discomfort throughout your time with Damon braces, compared to conventional braces, which need multiple tweaks from your orthodontist.