Introduction: Completing high school and obtaining the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is a significant milestone for students in Ontario, Canada. However, amidst the journey towards graduation, there are several misconceptions or myths surrounding the OSSD. Let’s debunk seven of the most common myths surrounding OSSD in high school.

Myth 1: The OSSD Is Just a Piece of Paper Reality:

The OSSD is far more than just a piece of paper. It represents years of hard work, dedication, and achievement. Beyond being a requirement for further education or employment, the OSSD signifies a well-rounded education, encompassing various subjects, skills, and experiences.

Myth 2: Passing Grades Are Enough to Obtain the OSSD Reality:

While passing grades are essential, the OSSD requirements extend beyond mere academic performance. Students must also complete a certain number of compulsory credits, including those in English, mathematics, science, and more. Additionally, they need to fulfill specific community involvement and literacy requirements.

Myth 3: The OSSD Curriculum Is Rigid and Inflexible Reality:

Contrary to popular belief, the OSSD curriculum offers flexibility and choice to students. While there are compulsory credits, students have the opportunity to select elective courses based on their interests, career aspirations, and strengths. This flexibility allows for a personalized learning experience tailored to individual needs.

Myth 4: Only Academic Achievers Can Obtain the OSSD Reality:

The OSSD recognizes various forms of achievement beyond academic success. While strong academic performance is valuable, the diploma also acknowledges students’ participation in extracurricular activities, community service, and skill development. These diverse experiences contribute to a well-rounded education and are equally important in earning the OSSD.

Myth 5: Students Must Follow a Traditional Path to Obtain the OSSD Reality:

The OSSD acknowledges diverse learning pathways and recognizes alternative forms of education. Whether through traditional classroom instruction, online courses, cooperative education, or credit accumulation programs, students have multiple avenues to fulfill the requirements for the diploma. The emphasis is on learning outcomes rather than the specific method of instruction.

Myth 6: Obtaining the OSSD Guarantees Success Reality:

While the OSSD is a significant achievement and opens doors to further opportunities, it does not guarantee success on its own. Success is multifaceted and involves factors such as perseverance, adaptability, and ongoing learning. The OSSD provides a foundation, but it is ultimately up to the individual to continue growing and seizing opportunities.

Myth 7: The OSSD Is Only Valuable for College-Bound Students Reality:

While the OSSD is indeed beneficial for students pursuing higher education, its value extends beyond college admissions. The diploma equips students with essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving, which are valuable in both academic and professional settings. Additionally, the OSSD opens doors to various career pathways and vocational opportunities.


Dispelling these myths about the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) in high school reveals its true significance and value. It represents not only academic achievement but also personal growth, skill development, and readiness for the future. By understanding the realities of the OSSD, students can make informed decisions and fully appreciate the opportunities it offers on their educational journey.