As a business owner, it is your responsibility to keep your business property clean and clear of any pest. Whether you are worried about a pest that can carry disease and make your customers sick or one that may attack and sting the customer, causing a sore bite or an allergic reaction, you need to have a plan in place to take care of these pests. Preferably, you will work with the right pest control professional to prevent an infestation in the first place, but sometimes the insects get around that. When this happens, you need to work hard to remove the problem before it hurts your customers and your business.


So, how do you make sure that you can remove the bald-faced hornet without getting hurt or making the problem worse? The first step here is going to be prevention. You need to go through the whole property, whether it is your business or your home, and look for any tiny cracks and other openings where the hornet could potentially enter the property when they need some shelter. Get those sealed up as soon as possible.


Another thing to consider is how you store and handle food. You need to keep food covered, whether you are inside or outside. The hornet is going to be looking for food like any other insect, so you want to make sure that you put the food away and don't make it easy for them to gain access to some of the food they are looking for.


When you are outside, you need to avoid any strong fragrances like perfumes and use hygienic products that are unscented if possible. These seem to attract the hornets to you and can make the problem much worse. You may not be able to control this all the time with your customers though. And wear shoes that cover your feet in case a hornet is lying about. As always, working with the professionals to take care of the problem when you notice hornets around is usually the best way to avoid problems in the future.


If the bald-faced hornet is starting to take over some of your business property, then you need to consider commercial pest control in Sun Valley to help you take care of the problem. You do not want to put your customers and employees at risk by leaving this hornet out there to sting them and cause problems and professional pest control can be the solution that you need. Our team is here to help provide a customized solution to all your pest control problems. Contact us today to learn how we can help with your pest control.