Double eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is the most common procedure in Korea because most Mongoloid Orientals i.e. Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese do not have a double eyelid line. They are born with single eyelids or do not have a visible eyelid crease above the eyelash line. This makes them look droopy. To address this problem, a lot of people in Asia undergo double eyelid surgery. However, the incidence of wrongly-performed double eyelid surgery is also on the rise. South Korea Eye Surgery is very famous as it corrects the problems caused due to incorrect double eyelid surgery and the Plastic Surgery Cost in Korea is quite affordable in comparison to other countries.

Problems with incorrect double eyelid surgery

The most common problems that people experience with wrongly performed blepharoplasty are noticeable scars, so-called sausage lines, deep and strong folds, thick folds, untied knots, very thin and low lines. In addition, there are instances where most people are not satisfied with the shape of their eyes. However, you can leave your worries behind and trust the most renowned plastic surgery clinic as they offer the best Revision Eyelid Surgery in Korea to fix these problems. They are also famous for beauty enhancement treatments and cosmetic surgery.

Correction with revision eyelid surgery

In case of thick or swollen creases, the exits of the double eyelid lines are untied, tissues and fat are removed and the height of the folds is corrected to make the line look natural.

The problem of untied knots is solved following the natural adhesion method, buried suture method or non-incision correction.

Big and remarkable scars can be cut and reduced if there is any residual eyelid skin or tissue. One can also go for a new double eyelid line by removal of scar tissues and fat graft in the upper eyelid if required.

Asymmetric eyes can be corrected by untying and retying the existing knots correctly so that both the eyes look symmetric.

Wrongly performed surgery does not cause dissatisfying lines but those who do not like the shape of the line or height can go for revision surgery. It is done by untying the existing lines that are adhered to, removing it and making new lines again.

The difference that revision eyelid surgery makes

The iris looks clear

The skin around the creases look natural

The adhesion of the double eyelid incision looks natural

The movement of the crease looks natural when the eyes are rolled sideways

The movement of the eyelid is light

The crease looks natural on blinking

Choosing the best plastic surgery clinic

You should choose the best plastic surgery clinic in Korea when it comes to eyelid surgery as it has the best plastic surgery, team. Besides Korea, it also attracts many foreign patients as they offer a complete guide, treatments and quality patient care to people who want to get beauty enhancement treatments in South Korea. The clinic offers various types of plastic surgery, has the best medical staff and a state of the art facility. 
