Q How to buy products?
A Send question with detailed product account or with Model quantity. If there is no packing requirement, we will take it as sea-way supplying. If possible, please attach a reference picture to avoid any misunderstanding or any links form our website for we have a better understanding.
Q Can be your company a distributor or even a manufacterer?
A Yse, We're a professional Rock Portions manufacterer SX BITS within China.
Q How regarding your products?
A Sure, All of our work out plans are accredited to ISO9001: 2015,both in services or products, at the same time,mature production technology ensuring the high quality satisfy international request. We certainly have many high quality merchandise.
Q What is the actual Packaging&Delivery?
A We used prime quality export cartons or ordinary export wooden cases.
Q When may be the time about delivery?
A The lead time be determined by quantity of order. Usually shipped by sea, small order or urgen order we could sed you by surroundings after received your agreement. According the distance form China in your port, usually form China and taiwan to European about 26 days. To West with American 20 days.
Q How to order products?
A Deliver inquiry with detailed product description or with Type number. If there will be no packing requirement, we will take it as sea-way supplying. If possible, please attach a reference picture to stop
 A drag bit is often a drill bit usually made for use in soft formations for example sand, clay, or lots of soft rock. However, they'll not work well around coarse gravel or tough rock formations. Uses include drilling water wells, mining, geothermal, environmental and seek drilling.
Types of Move Bits
 Step Type Move Bits:
They are primarily planned for soft to medium formations.
Three-Wing as well as Four-Wing:
Three-wing bits usually drill faster whereas four-wing bits are are more durable, more durable, and exercise a straighter hole.
Chevron Form Drag Bits:
Chevron-Type drag bits are recommended for drilling in slightly harder plus more consolidated
materials than step-type drag bits such as hard shales, limestones, and tougher gravels.