Amazon sellers are forced to follow a strict system of rules and guidelines if they want to be permitted to sell on the Amazon platform. Although most sellers do everything they are capable of to prevent their account from being suspended, suspensions can and do happen every day. However, not all suspensions are “created equal” so to speak. For example, take ten different sellers, all facing suspensions for the same reasons. It is not only possible, but it is very likely that these ten sellers will have ten entirely different experiences when they attempt to get reinstated. The first step is to appeal the suspension by writing a concise and persuasive Plan of Action. Amazon wants to know that you recognize why you were suspended, that you have corrected the problem and that you have taken steps to make sure it does not happen again. Generally, this process involves a few correspondences with Amazon, but ultimately, sellers who take good faith measures to resolve their respective account issues, and who cooperate with Amazon, are reinstated. Sometimes, (although it is rare), Amazon will stop responding, will give categorical no answers to sellers seeking reinstatement, or will not respond at all to a seller’s Plan of Action. For these sellers, not only have they lost their ability to sell on the Amazon platform, but they have also lost access to transfer funds from their Amazon Seller’s account into their own bank account because Amazon freezes their ability to do so.