Ready to list your house on Zillow? Let OwnersRE guide you through the process!

Sign Up: Create your Zillow account using your email, password, and smartphone.
Post Your House: Click on "Post home for sale" and enter your address, ensuring it's mapped correctly.

Provide Details: Fill in info like bedrooms, bathrooms, and price. Upload photos and videos.

Verification: Zillow will verify your details with a phone call, so don't miss it!

Check Your Listing: Once live, search for your house on Zillow. You can edit anytime.

Be Prepared: Expect calls from buyers and realtors. But with OwnersRE, you can manage it hassle-free!

OwnersRE offers a personalized property website, help with scheduling, vetting offers, and more – all for a flat fee. Visit to learn how to list your house on Zillow and save thousands!