When you think about fumigation you may think of it as a kind of “last effort” solution for a severe pest problem. The kind of method you resort to after you’ve tried everything else. But the truth is that there are quite a few circumstances where fumigating is the best and safest route to eliminate a pest problem. Fumigating is not just used for eliminating stubborn infestations, but also when used in consideration of certain health and safety risks. Let’s look over a few of the most common reasons a pest control company might recommend fumigation.


Severe Infestations

This seems to be what we most often think of when we think of fumigation. And with good reason. A severe infestation can be nearly impossible to eradicate without proper fumigation. Pests like termites, fleas, and ants can get into a building or property and quickly multiply into dangerously high numbers. Pests like these can hide deep in walls and floors where other methods of pest control can’t get to them. Other pests like   bedbugs   and cockroaches are notoriously difficult to completely get rid of and require a more comprehensive method of eradication. Fumigation is useful in these situations because the fumes can get to all pests wherever they may be hiding. It is a powerful solution for pest control because proper fumigation ensures that the entire population is fully wiped out.


Damage to Buildings

Some types of pests make such extensive colonies that it can be nearly impossible to spot-treat them. These pests are often wood-chewing insects like termites or carpenter ants. These voracious eaters will multiply rapidly and eat their way through the foundations and supports of your house or building. These infestations are often hard to detect early on since most of the time the insects stay within the walls. However, once discovered, the damage they have done is often quite great and extensive. Repairs to such destruction are often very costly. One of the only ways to treat a building that has this kind of infestation is with fumigation. Fumigation ensures that all the colonies are eliminated.


Health Concerns

A very big reason fumigation may be a necessary approach to pest control is when there are health concerns or risks at play. Pests can pose risks to children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems who may suffer a severe allergic reaction to pests. Humans can suffer negative reactions to exposure to pest bites or fecal matter. Additionally, some pests such as rats or fleas, also carry the risk of serious disease and contamination. Fumigation can be a very effective and quick method of restoring the safety of your home or building from these potentially dangerous pests.


In conclusion, fumigation is a safe and effective method of pest control if it is handled by certified technicians who know how to use toxic chemicals safely.   Commercial pest control in Colorado Springs   will be able to help you assess your pest problem and find and execute a safe and effective treatment for elimination.