Accidents happen, and when they involve potentially infectious body fluids like blood, vomit, urine, or feces, it's crucial to have the right tools on hand for safe and effective cleanup. That's where the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit by First Aid Supply Stores comes into play. This comprehensive kit is designed to minimize the risk of cross-contamination, control mold and mildew, neutralize odors, and provide extra protection and safety during cleanup procedures.

Why Choose the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit by First Aid Supply Stores:

1. Superior Absorption and Decontamination

The Body Fluid Clean Up Kit includes an easy-to-use fluid control solidifier, decontaminant, and disinfectant. Each package in the kit absorbs up to 150 times its own weight, ensuring quick and efficient cleanup of spills. This solidifier not only helps in containing the spill but also aids in the decontamination process, reducing the risk of infection transmission.

2. Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Protection

One of the standout features of this kit is its antimicrobial agent and deodorizer, which works fast to control a wide range of pathogens, including HIV-1 (AIDS virus), tuberculosis, herpes simplex types 1 & 2 viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This broad-spectrum protection is crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases during cleanup operations.

3. Convenient and Comprehensive Contents

The Body Fluid Clean Up Kit is a deluxe single-use kit that contains all the necessary items for safe and convenient cleanup. From disposable aprons and surgical face masks with shields to biohazard pick-up scoops and surface disinfectant/cleaner towels, every component is carefully selected to provide maximum protection and ease of use.

4. Extra Protection and Safety Measures

In addition to the essential cleanup tools, this kit also includes extra items for enhanced protection and safety. Antimicrobial hand towelettes and medical examination gloves, both powder-free and made from nitrile, ensure that the cleanup crew can maintain proper hygiene and minimize direct contact with potentially infectious fluids.

5. Compliance and Peace of Mind

By choosing the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit by First Aid Supply Stores, you're not just investing in quality cleanup tools; you're also ensuring compliance with safety regulations and guidelines. Each kit comes with an identification tag for universal biohazard kits and infectious waste bags for proper disposal, giving you peace of mind knowing that you're handling potentially hazardous materials safely and responsibly.

6. Versatility and Efficiency

Whether you're dealing with a minor spill in a household setting or a more significant incident in a healthcare facility or public space, the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit is versatile enough to handle various cleanup scenarios. Its efficient design and comprehensive contents make it an indispensable tool for first responders, healthcare professionals, janitorial staff, and anyone else tasked with managing potentially infectious spills.

7. Cost-Effective Solution

Investing in the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit not only ensures the safety and well-being of individuals involved in cleanup operations but also proves to be a cost-effective solution in the long run. By providing all the necessary tools and materials in a single kit, it eliminates the need for purchasing individual items separately, saving both time and money. Additionally, its efficient design and comprehensive contents minimize the risk of improper cleanup, which can lead to costly consequences such as fines, legal liabilities, and potential healthcare expenses associated with infections.

8. Environmental Responsibility

In addition to its focus on human health and safety, the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit also embodies a commitment to environmental responsibility. The inclusion of environmentally friendly materials and disposal methods, such as biodegradable antimicrobial agents and infectious waste bags, demonstrates a dedication to minimizing the environmental impact of cleanup operations. By choosing this kit, you're not only protecting yourself and others from potential infections but also contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.


The Body Fluid Clean Up Kit by First Aid Supply Stores offers a comprehensive solution for the safe and efficient cleanup, removal, and disposal of potentially infectious body fluid spills. With its superior absorption and decontamination capabilities, broad-spectrum antimicrobial protection, convenient contents, extra safety measures, compliance features, and versatility, this kit stands out as a reliable choice for anyone tasked with handling biohazardous materials. Don't take chances when it comes to safety and infection control—choose the Body Fluid Clean Up Kit for peace of mind and effective cleanup solutions.