Health and wellness programs meant for corporates are a great way of enhancing healthy practices in employees and also improving their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Offering a corporate wellness program leads to sound and fit workers. A robust mind and body bring an array of benefits to the businesses they work for.

Many companies understand this and offer their employees a series of benefits and activities, in the form of an employee wellness program, that promotes health and well-being.

Let’s look at some of the features that should be covered in the wellness program for employees.

  • Physical: These activities form an integral part of a health & wellness program as they help in regularizing the diet, sleep, nutrition, and fitness of the employees.
  • Mental Health & Stress-Release: Stress is a silent killer and is the reason for triggering many severe health issues. It also gives rise to many mental health issues like depression and anxiety. A health and wellness program empowers the internal and external elements and helps one attain a well-balanced lifestyle.
  • Behavioral Changes: A wellness program facilitates sustainable lifestyle behavioral changes in people which lead to better health outcomes and wellbeing.
  • Social Activities: These activities are essential in developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system. It encourages a healthy corporate culture within the company and improves productivity.
  • Team-building Exercises: One of the secondary benefits of a wellness program is that many of these activities strengthen the bonds between the immediate team members. Team hurdles and other activities are beneficial in bringing the employees closer than before.
  • Intellectual Aspects: It’s important to recognize the creative abilities of employees, and these programs help in finding ways to expand their knowledge and skills.

Weljii is amongst the most awarded and prestigious health & wellness coach company in India, with an expert panel of health & wellness coaches. The company creates adequate space for health & wellness in India and is helmed by Preeti Rao, Asia’s only NBHWC, USA Mentor Coach.

As a founder and CEO of Weljii, her vision and mission are to facilitate sustainable lifestyle behavioral changes in people’s lives that can lead them to better health outcomes and wellbeing. Her successful career path spanning a decade in executive management roles across several countries has provided her with an understanding of the global health care system crisis and the importance of preventive strategies in health promotion. You can visit the website for more information.