Psychoanalytical and Neo-Psychoanalytical schools of thought consider sub-consciousness as a major factor of influence on human personality. Freud, Jung, Adler, and Horney as well as many philosophers were studying internal conflict within a human personality and the reasons for it probably  buy pre-written articles. Consequently, each of them brought a new understanding of the concept of personality.

Sigmund Freud was the founder of Psychoanalysis. He believed that human personality has three levels: inborn sub-consciousness or Id, ego or personal consciousness, and superego, which is the result of society’s influence on a person. Besides, he was certain that within every human there is a conflict between a wish to live and to die (IEP, n.d.). Thus, Freud and his followers from the Psychoanalytic school were focusing on the person and his inner world.

In their turn, Neo-Psychoanalytical scientists noticed that with the means of pure psychoanalysis, it is impossible to explain the problems of the interrelations of a personality and society. Carl Jung was trying to widen Freud’s ideas and to analyze society not as a number of separate personalities but as one. He suggested the concept of "collective psyche" as a mask every wears to be a part of society. Furthermore, Alfred Adler thought that a desire for power is the drive of personality. He also studied the inferiority complex and its influence on the development of a person.  Karen Horney believed that the major drives of the psyche are the wish for safety and the wish to fulfill desires. In addition, she claimed that the differences between male and female psycho are more social and cultural than biological.

Thus, each of these scholars had their own approach to understanding what personality is why people are who they are, what drives and motivates them, etc. To my mind, Adler and his study of inferiority complex and Horney with her investigation of society and its influences on a human personality really help to understand how a personality develops. They revealed that not only do the inner factors matter but also there is a strong influence from the society.