You must have heard the phrase that says “the things we do for love?” it’s because love conquers everything. It doesn’t have a limit, and some lovers even promise to bring the moon for their partners in the name of love. Are you looking for the most romantic ways to propose to your lovely queen, but you don’t know where to start? Consider your problem solved, for we are here to offer you help: 


Before you propose, the most crucial thing is first to know what your fiancée to be like, and find out her most treasured places.


Is your partner a private person?

Things can go south if you try to impress your new partner by proposing a public venue like outside an epic building where they will crowd. It might be one of the romantic ways to propose, but it’s not what she likes. Oops, that can be a shame. You would instead get her on the rooftop, where it’s a bit secluded and romantic.


Sneak around her bucket list

Everyone has some stuff they would like to achieve at a certain age. As marriage is a significant milestone, that can be at the top of this list. The dream proposal could be on an exotic island with prince charming holding the most dazzling diamond ever. However, you need to be discreet and maintain the surprise element. 


Make a public display for an extrovert



This type of individual is a ‘people person’ and loves the surrounding of those they love. Your proposal plans should revolve around this analysis. One of the coolest ways they will never guess a proposal is coming is planning for a road trip or a hike. Then invite their circle of friends to act as a flash mob. That would be quite an adventurous tour to remember and one of the best romantic ways to propose to those who want to feel larger than life.


Use your loving family.

And when it becomes a little daunting proposing to your girl, what about asking her dad for his blessings and then presenting right away in their presence? (Ooh, so sweet they might cry!)


In conclusion, what are some of the crazy things you’ve done to impress your love? Did you use one of our romantic ways to propose tips, or were you a little cheesy? Please share, and we would love to hear your story.