At Empower PT, PLLC, we are committed to delivering exceptional physical therapy services in Idaho Falls, driven by our dedication to promoting lasting optimal wellness for our clients. Our compassionate and motivating atmosphere will guide you through your recovery journey, empowering you to regain independence. As part of our comprehensive approach to physical therapy, we offer specialized treatments, including dry needling, tailored to address various impairments and conditions.

Understanding Trigger Points and Dry Needling

A trigger point is a specific tense, sensitive, and dysfunctional muscle tissue area. It commonly develops due to injury, excessive use, or improper movement patterns. Trigger points can impede muscle function, limit your range of motion, and cause discomfort and sensitivity.

Evaluation and Treatment
Professional physical therapists or licensed acupuncturists conduct a thorough assessment to determine the suitability of dry needling. They carefully evaluate your symptoms while examining your mobility and muscle function to ascertain the role of trigger points in contributing to them.

Benefits of Dry Needling
Dry needling to the affected muscle or trigger point can alleviate muscle tension, enhance blood circulation, and alleviate discomfort. Many patients experience immediate relief following the treatment.

Treatment Process
During the treatment, the needles are left in the muscle briefly, typically ranging from 10 seconds to 20 minutes. This duration depends on the treatment location, the quantity of needles used, and the objectives of the treatment.

What is Dry Needling Used to Treat?

Dry needling is an innovative therapeutic technique utilized in physical therapy offices to address a wide range of impairments and conditions, including:

# Chronic Pain

# Strains and Sprains

# Surgery Recovery

# Arthritis

# Back Pain

Dry needling is a technique that uses thin, monofilament needles to target trigger points within muscles. It relieves pain and tension while improving flexibility and restoring normal function. This treatment is often used with physical therapy to provide a comprehensive approach to musculoskeletal and neuromuscular issues.

How Does Dry Needling Differ from Acupuncture?

While dry needling and acupuncture share the use of monofilament needles in their treatments and aim to reduce pain, they differ significantly in their techniques and principles. The distinctions between dry needling and acupuncture are:

# Technique: In dry needling, needles are inserted specifically into trigger points within the muscles, penetrating deeper into the tissue to elicit a localized response. This differs from acupuncture, where needles are placed along meridian lines to restore balance and energy flow throughout the body.

# Purpose: Dry needling addresses musculoskeletal and neuromuscular issues, providing targeted relief and restoration of function. On the other hand, acupuncture aims to alleviate pain and treat health conditions by altering the flow of chi based on ancient Chinese medicine principles.

# Treatment Approach: Dry needling uses fewer needles and a shorter duration, focusing on muscles and trigger points. In contrast, acupuncture involves a broader approach, targeting meridian lines and treating the body to restore energy balance.

Final Thoughts

At Empower PT, PLLC, we are dedicated to providing individualized physical therapy treatments in Idaho Falls that cater to your unique needs and conditions. Our team of skilled therapists is well-versed in incorporating specialized techniques such as dry needling to enhance your recovery journey and facilitate lasting wellness.

If you need effective physical therapy treatment in Idaho Falls, including specialized approaches like dry needling, we invite you to visit our facility and experience the compassionate care and expertise that define our practice. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward embracing a life of restored function and vitality.