Large-scale acrylic fish tank is a high-end and exquisite aquarium product. Generally, large-scale fish tanks have a much larger water body than ordinary household fish tanks. Therefore, they are made of acrylic, so the safety factor is much higher than ordinary glass. , It is very important to do the daily tidying up. After all, if the fish tank is not cleaned for a long time, many bacteria and impurities will multiply, which undoubtedly brings safety risks to the health of the fish.

So it is very important to clean the fish tank and change the water regularly. So what should be done to clean the fish tank correctly?

In fact, there are many ways to organize a fish tank. If you want to save trouble, you might as well choose a fish called a scavenger. I heard that it can eat the dirt in the corners and dead ends, so it is also very good to raise such a fish to make homework easier. In addition, you can also use a magnetic brush to clean the fish tank.

We know that if it is traditional cleaning, the water has to be poured out, which is time-consuming and laborious. If you use a magnetic brush to operate, you can avoid pouring out the water. However, when it is tidying up, half of it must be inside the fish tank and half of it outside the bathtub. When cleaning, just move the brush outside.

There is also a very thorough way to organize fish tanks, but it is mainly used to deal with fish tanks of dead and diseased fish. Pour potassium permanganate, add water, and wait for ten minutes to rinse it off. But when using this method of money, you must take out the contents. Such as water plants, corals, etc.

After the above introduction, it is not difficult for us to know the cleaning method of large fish tanks, but the specific choice is to be confirmed by users according to their actual application needs.

For more information on acrylic, please contact us: Acrylic Aquarium.