At RailRCS, we take pride in our dedicated NORAC-qualified dispatchers, who ensure smooth and safe operations on the tracks. Our dispatchers undergo a rigorous training course to master not just one but two essential rulesets (GCOR & NORAC CERTIFIED),  making them experts in the field.


Our team has extensive experience in all areas of the railroad industry. We use internally developed Train Dispatch Software to streamline track authorities.


Our dispatchers are responsible for coordinating and directing the safe movement of all rail traffic. This includes authorizing train occupancy on tracks as well as MOW traffic, which allows for required maintenance to be performed. Our train dispatchers possess the highest level of multi-tasking skills required to fulfil multiple duties at once while still maintaining a strong focus on each aspect of their job. Join us as we navigate the exciting world of railroad dispatching. 


Let our NORAC-qualified dispatchers guide you through the intricate network of railway operations. Your journey to becoming a top-notch dispatcher starts here at RailRCS—where Safety and Efficiency Converge!