Allergy refers to the stimulation of the own immune system by foreign antigens. This reaction may occur in both adults and children. Allergies in infants are mostly caused by the deterioration of certain proteins in the body or exposure to allergens,嬰兒皮膚過敏 resulting in a series of adverse reactions in infants. Under normal circumstances, the period of 1-3 years old is the period of high incidence of allergic reactions in children. During this period, parents should pay more attention to their children's condition to avoid more serious consequences.

What are the symptoms of allergies in babies?

1. Mental abnormality

If a child suffers from myocardial strain due to allergies, the following situations may occur:

It is difficult to fall asleep at night, and the body likes to sweat when sleeping; does not like to walk, and likes to be hugged more than ordinary children; is very excited about things that interest him, and cannot be energetic about things that he is not interested in. Baby about one year old Also likes to bite people.

If the above situations occur, parents should pay more attention to whether their children have allergies.

2. Protein allergy

If your child farts frequently after birth, he or she will be prone to hiccups before and after meals. Severe cases of children may have diarrhea as many as 6-7 times a day, which may be caused by protein allergy symptoms such as lactose intolerance. At this time, the intake of lactose foods should often be reduced. Usually, the symptoms of babies with protein allergies will improve after adding complementary foods.

3. Hyperactive

If a child is usually fine but suddenly develops a condition similar to ADHD, parents should also consider whether allergies are the cause. Because when the mucous membrane is stimulated by an allergic reaction, it will prompt the child to blink frequently, move the nose, and even have symptoms of stomach twitching. In more serious cases, the child will make strange noises in the throat, roll up the eyelids, etc., so that many times parents will I thought the child had ADHD. If a child exhibits the above behaviors, parents should also consult a doctor promptly.

4. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is not only common in adults, but also in children. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are basically the same, including frequent itching of the nose, frequent sneezing, and runny nose. Usually, this is related to mucous membrane allergies. If the child is allergic to this condition, parents should protect the baby's nasal cavity and wear a mask when going out.

When a child has the above symptoms, parents should consider whether the child has allergies. If parents are allergic to certain substances, there is a high chance that their children will also be allergic to such substances. Common allergens include dust, mites, etc. Don’t worry if your child develops adverse symptoms. The local hospital can screen your child for allergens in a timely manner to prevent your child from coming into contact with similar allergens in the future, which can effectively prevent allergies.


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