The world of manufacturing is a vast and multifaceted ecosystem. Within it lies a diverse range of types of manufacturers, each specializing in distinct processes and producing a wide variety of goods. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for businesses navigating the complex world of production.

The Titans of Transformation: Discrete vs. Process Manufacturers

A fundamental division separates manufacturers into two broad categories: discrete and process. Discrete manufacturers deal with tangible, individual units. Imagine a car assembly line – each car, built from numerous parts, is a distinct, countable product. Conversely, process manufacturers transform raw materials into bulk quantities of often indistinguishable products. Think of a chemical plant – the output isn't individual bottles but large vats of a specific chemical compound.

Delving Deeper: Subcategories of Manufacturing

Beyond this primary distinction, a rich tapestry of specialized types of manufacturers exists. Let's delve into some key subcategories:

  • Make-to-Stock (MTS) Manufacturers: These companies anticipate customer demand and produce goods in advance, stocking them for future sales. This approach is ideal for high-volume, frequently purchased items.

  • Make-to-Order (MTO) Manufacturers: Tailoring production to specific customer orders defines this category. MTO manufacturers excel in creating customized products or catering to niche markets.

  • Job Shop Manufacturers: Undertaking short-term, one-off production runs for diverse clients is their forte. Job shops are adept at handling low-volume, high-complexity projects.

  • Continuous Flow Manufacturers: Imagine a never-ending production river – the essence of continuous flow manufacturing. These manufacturers specialize in producing large quantities of standardized products around the clock.

Choosing the Right Fit: Matching Needs with Manufacturing Types

Selecting the most suitable type of manufacturer hinges on your specific needs. High-demand electronics might suit an MTS approach, while a custom furniture maker would likely fall under MTO. Job shops excel at unique projects, while continuous flow manufacturers dominate industries like chemicals or beverages.

The Future of Manufacturing: Embracing Innovation

The manufacturing landscape is constantly evolving. Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, revolutionizes prototyping and small-scale production. Sustainable practices are gaining traction, with manufacturers seeking eco-friendly materials and processes. Staying informed about these advancements allows businesses to leverage the latest capabilities of different manufacturers.

Finding the Perfect Match: Considerations When Choosing a Manufacturer

Having explored various types of manufacturers, let's shift gears to selecting the ideal partner for your needs. Here are some key considerations:

  • Production Capacity: Assess your projected volume requirements. An MTS manufacturer excels at high volumes, while a job shop caters to lower quantities with greater customization.

  • Product Complexity: Your product's intricacy level significantly impacts the choice. MTO manufacturers are adept at complex, custom-made items, while continuous flow thrives on standardized production.

  • Quality Standards: Clearly define your quality expectations. Some manufacturers specialize in high-precision products, while others prioritize affordability over intricate details.

  • Lead Time Requirements: Consider your desired turnaround time. MTS manufacturers might have readily available stock, while MTO or job shops typically have longer lead times due to customization.

  • Geographical Considerations: Proximity to your market or raw materials might influence your decision. Manufacturing in Mexico, for example, offers strategic advantages for companies targeting the North American market.

Building a Strong Partnership

Selecting the correct type of manufacturer is just the first step. Building a solid and collaborative partnership is crucial for long-term success. Open communication, clear expectations, and a commitment to continuous improvement are vital ingredients for a mutually beneficial relationship.


Understanding the diverse landscape of types of manufacturers empowers businesses to make informed decisions. By carefully considering factors like production volume, product customization, and desired lead times, companies can select the most suitable manufacturing partner to achieve their goals. AmrepMexico, with its vast network and industry expertise, can guide you through this process.  


  • What factors should I consider when choosing a type of manufacturer?

AmrepMexico recommends considering production capacity, product complexity, quality standards, lead time requirements, and geographical considerations to find the best fit for your needs. Depending on your target market, Manufacturing in Mexico might be a strategic option.

  • How can I ensure a successful partnership with a manufacturer?

Open communication, clearly defined expectations, and a commitment to continuous improvement are essential for building a solid, long-lasting partnership. AmrepMexico can assist you in fostering these elements.

  • Can AmrepMexico help me find the right type of manufacturer?

Absolutely. AmrepMexico's expertise lies in understanding various types of manufacturers and their capabilities. We can help you evaluate your requirements and identify the most suitable partner for your business.

  • Does AmrepMexico offer services beyond manufacturer selection?

Yes, AmrepMexico goes beyond simply connecting you with a manufacturer. We provide a comprehensive suite of services to support your manufacturing journey in Mexico. This includes assistance with site selection, regulatory compliance, talent acquisition, and ongoing operational support.