It's thrilling to enrol in a Russian medical university, but relocating for your medical career to a foreign nation calls for careful consideration. Regarding medical education in Russia, you probably have a lot of questions. These are some of the most often asked concerns concerning MBBS in Russia, which should allay your worries and assist you in choosing the appropriate career path.


MBBS in Russia: Answers of Frequently asked questions.

1.       What types of benefits you will get if you do MBBS in Russia?

·         For Indian students, the following are the main benefits of studying MBBS in Russia:

·         Possibilities of practicing medicine in India after passing the FMGE test are favourable.

·         Obtain a Russian medical licence and a permanent residency permit.

·         As part of the MBBS programme, learn Russian.

·         Russian universities are cosmopolitan, with students from over 20 different nations studying there.

·         Involvement in worldwide seminars, conferences, and other gatherings

·         Low-cost, high-quality education

·         Medical teaching that incorporates robotics


2.      How long does the MBBS programme take in Russia?

Total duration of the course is 6 years. During the first 5 years students will acquire theoretical as well as practical knowledge. The last 1 year will specifically focus the training program.



3.      For Russian MBBS candidates, is NEET mandatory?


For an Indian student NEET is mandatory to apply for taking admission in Russia. 50% is for general category and 40% is for reserved category in NEET is required for MBBS in Russia.


4.      Are Indian students interested in MBBS programmes in Russia?

·         For a number of reasons, Russia is the greatest place for Indian students to pursue an MBBS overseas.

·         The National Medical Commission has granted Russian universities recognition.

·         Russian MBBS programme taught in English.

·         FMGE/NEXT guidance from distinguished Indian physicians and educators

·         Completely equipped Indian hostels

·         No entrance tests or donations.

·         Indian cuisine served in the mess

·         Less expensive MBBS costs than in India

·         Possibility of entering Indian medical practice after clearing the FMGE test

5.      Why does Russia's MBBS cost less than India's?

The Russian Federation's Ministry of Health and Education has made particular efforts to provide significantly subsidised MBBS costs to Indian students, making studying MBBS in Russia more inexpensive than in India.


6.      Is a Russian medical degree recognised in India?

Indeed. After completing the FMGE/NExT test, Indian medical graduates from Russia may practise medicine in India. The medical degrees from Russian medical colleges that have been recognised by the NMC are recognised in India.

7.      Why should we choose MBBS in Russia?

One of the greatest educational systems in the world is thought to exist in Russia. Therefore, a degree earned by a student from a Russian institution is respected around the world. Employers throughout the world value degrees from Russian institutions, particularly those in science and engineering.


Ria Overseas provides you expert guidance to the MBBS aspirants wishing to study MBBS overseas. It is the best consultant agency that can provide you with need based assistance to join MBBS in Russia.