Hot tubs are great for relaxing and enjoying the therapeutic benefits of warm water. There are several different models and features available, and it can sometimes be difficult to know which one will be right for you. You need to narrow down your options in order to find the right shape, size, and overall design of the hot tub. So here are some questions to ask yourself before you visit a hot tub store in the city of Sacramento and invest in one. 


How Many People Will Be Using It?


A large hot tub can accommodate your whole family or a large group of friends. However, this will require a lot of energy in order to regulate the temperature of a large hot tub. Hence, it is suggested that you purchase a hot tub that fits the maximum number of people that will be using the tub. 2-3-person portable spas are perfect for couples or small families. When you visit a hot tub store in Sacramento, you will find that some designs also have full-body support, with jets hitting your legs, back, and shoulders. 


If you have a large family or like to entertain friends often, you may go for a hot tub that can fit between 4 and 6 people instead. Such designs are either rounded for optimal seating space or have built-in seat options. Some hot tub designs are built for 5-6 people with a mix of seating options, like one or more reclining seats for maximum relaxation. 


If you still want more space for a lot of people, the best thing would be to buy a hot tub that fits 7-8 people or 9-10 person tubs, which are much larger and come with deeper pockets for feet, varying seating arrangements, and reclining chairs on the side. 


How Often You Will Use the Hot Tub?


If you plan to hop into the tub multiple times a week, it is best if you invest in a top-quality model that is well-insulated and energy-efficient. Remember that hot tubs require a much energy to heat up completely. It takes around 4 hours to completely heat a hot tub, and even longer in colder temperatures. But if you will use your hot tub only once every once in a while , you may go for a smaller tub or lower voltage. Keep in mind that it will take much longer for your hot tub to warm up. 


What is Your Intended Purpose for Buying a Hot Tub?


Before making a final purchase decision, consider how you intend to use your hot tub. The most common uses include relaxation, health, stress relief, enjoyment, hydrotherapy, and socialization. For relaxation, you should focus on features like comfortable seating and jet placement, while for hydrotherapy, you need to focus on the number and type of jets. If your hot tub is for entertainment purposes, consider the size and amenities like lighting and speakers. 

  • Relaxation and Pain Relief: Hot tub spas can provide the ultimate relaxation experience. It can soothe your mind and body as you unwind after a long day. If relaxing in your hot tub is your intention, look for the one with a spa-like design with reclining seats and adjustable spray jets. The heat from the warm water will relax your muscles, and buoyancy will relieve joint pain and stress in your body. Hydrotherapy will melt away tension, ease stress, and promote relaxation. So, hot tubs are designed to be more therapeutic than just for lounging around. Invest in a hot tub spa with strategically placed jets if you have arthritis, back pain, sore muscles, and stiff joints. For the ultimate calming experience, go for tubs with adjustable spray jets or spa-like designs with lounge seats and features that enhance your relaxation experience. 

  • Hydrotherapy and Physical Health: Hydrotherapy is a powerful technique for promoting physical health and wellness. Hot tubs can reduce joint pain, stress, and circulation by combining the power of heat and buoyancy with jet therapy. These benefits can be maximized by selecting a hot tub with powerful pumps, a variety of jet types and locations, and optimal plumbing. 

  • Entertainment and Socializing: Hot tub spas can be a perfect place for socializing and entertainment. You can enjoy the warmth and comfort while chatting with friends and family. You may even enhance the experience with waterfall features, audio systems, and LED lights. Hot tubs can be perfect for any socializing activity as they come in various seating arrangements and sizes. You can host events and outdoor parties and create a relaxed atmosphere for guests. 


How Long Do You Plan to Keep Your Hot Tub Spa?


Keep in mind that low-quality hot tubs will wear down faster, may also require more repairs, and may also cost more to heat up. This will eventually end up costing you much more in the long run. Portable hot tubs are a great option for short-term usage. They can be moved as needed. But if you want to keep your hot tub for years to come, then you need to go with a top-rated model instead of a cheaper one. 




So before you make this huge financial decision, consider asking yourself these questions to make better choices.