No matter how digitalized the world has become, we all need things from the nearby areas. This is where local SEO comes in. 


Local SEO is a part of general SEO; however, the difference lies in the target aueince. 


What separates local SEO is that they intend a specific audience that resides in a particular region. 


So, you need to be specific here. To be precise, you have to understand the needs, understanding, hopes, aspirations, and pain points of people residing in that specific territory. 


If you are not optimized for local search, you simply miss out on leads, conversations, and sales. 


Hey local marketer, I get you. In this article, I will empower you with the best strategies that set you apart from your competitors. 


So, without further ado, let’s start it! 

1. Local Search Platforms 

Any guesses? The first name that comes to my mind is GMB - Google My Business. 


GMB is a directory where you put the necessary information about your business. 


If you do not have a GMB listing, get yourself one. Or, in case you have already listed there, optimize it for better reach. 


  • Start with NAP (name, address, and phone number). 

  • Add genuine, high-quality photos or videos of your business, followed by your website. 

  • Then, incorporate the operational hours of your business. It is better to share the location with them (Google Maps).

  • Once your profile is ready, ask your customers to share their reviews. 


By following the above steps, you are actually boosting your credibility. Complete GMB listing reflects transparency. 


Apart from GMB, you can also take advantage of the following platforms - Moz, RenderSEO, SweetIQ, RIo, Yext, etc.

2. Audit Your Listing 

Regularly auditing your listings is essential. Look for:


  • Auto-updates like "Temporarily Closed."

  • Pending or suggested hour changes.

  • Disabled listings.

  • Pending or suggested business detail adjustments.

  • Any other signs of suggested updates?

  • Pending or suggested attribute modifications.


Google relies on user feedback, but it's not always accurate. Verify suggested updates to maintain listing accuracy.

3. Figure Out Local Keywords

Do you know that you can grow your business by 150% by employing local SEO


And guess what? You have already seen local keywords. Tell me if the following sounds familiar to you:  


“Cafes near me.”

“Gym near me.”

“Saloon near me.”


I am 100% sure that you have searched for these keywords at some point in your life. However, many of you haven’t considered the theme from the point of SEO yet. 


Now, think from the standpoint of an SEO. 


How can you optimize for these types of keywords? 


Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Semrush, etc., can help you with this. Figure out the relevant ones that work within your business's 5-20 km radius. Once it is decided, incorporate them into your strategy. 

4. Produce Local Content 

Being specific is the key to local content. It is tailored to the specific needs of your audience


For example, if you are targeting people in a specific city, you should create content that is tailored to that city's culture, language, and local events. 


This builds a real connection. When people feel included and heard, they start trusting you.


By doing this, you will remain at the forefront of their thoughts. This influences their purchase decisions. 


So, start gathering insights about your local audience. Engage with them. Collaborate with the organizations that are operating locally. 

5. Mobile Optimization is Pivotal for Local Businesses 

With most shoppers using smartphones, a mobile-friendly website is crucial for local businesses. 


To enhance user experience:


  • Ensure fast and responsive page loading.

  • Use readable fonts, short paragraphs, and subheadings.

  • Organize content with structured text and white space.

  • Include relevant images and media displays.


You don't need web development skills. Research responsive design and draw inspiration from successful brands' mobile-friendly features.

6. Online Reputation Attracts Customers 

This is common sense. Nothing else. 


Any business (small or big) works around reputation. 

Have you said similar to this about any company - “hey this company is over-hyped.” 


The company might be a popular one. There was a time when it used to offer top-notch services. The reputation is already there. Although the company has been offering subpar quality products lately, they are able to sustain their business due to their strong reputation and goodwill in the market.


So, how to manage your reputation? See the next point.

7. Encourage Your Customers To Share Their Reviews

Reviews and ratings are the weapons you should consider to manage your reputation. 


There is nothing more powerful than happy customers. It becomes even special when they vouch for you. 


Maximize their impact by:


  • Claiming your Google My Business and other online listings to encourage reviews.

  • Offering incentives like discounts or freebies to motivate customers to leave feedback.

  • Responding to all reviews, positive or negative, to demonstrate your engagement with customers. This builds trust and enhances your online presence


It’s time to say goodbye. I hope I was able to provide you with great insights. 


If you follow them diligently, you will end up attracting a relevant audience to your business. Like-minded audiences are more likely to convert. Eventually, you end up getting improved brand exposure. 


So, if you haven’t started taking local SEO seriously, the time has come. 


Start connecting with your local community through the best practices. Business is all about perspectives and emotions people hold with your brand. Local SEO helps you to master the same. 


If you feel the need for help, start taking help from a reputed SEO agency. I wish you great luck. Thanks for taking the time to read this article.