Accidental plagiarism occurs when you forget to cite the sources or misquote the sayings. There are many negative impacts of it. But do not worry, as in this article, you will read the tips to avoid accidental plagiarism. For this, you have to correctly cite the sources. In addition, write sayings in quotation marks. You can also use online tools like plagiarism checker Australia to detect copied text on paper. So, read this article to learn some more tips that help you eliminate accidental plagiarism.

7 Tips that Help You Avoid Accidental Plagiarism

Students often face difficulty in avoiding accidental plagiarism. So, if you are also one of them, then reading the below tips will help you.

1. Cite Sources

You have to write the correct information in the paper. For this, you have to collect data from various books and magazines. In this chaos, you get confused about from where you have taken the particular information. So, to avoid this, you should include the source immediately. 

2.Quotation Marks

It generally happens that you have to provide sayings of authors to mention the importance of the points. To do this, you take the proverb as it is and write it in your paper without using quotation marks. But, doing it can result in accidental plagiarism. So, to avoid it, you should write the quote in quotation marks.


It is usually seen that students change a few words and write the sentences as it is. However, it still counts as plagiarism. Before you start drafting the topic, you must understand the concept you are going to write. You can seek assignment help to better grasp the subject. So, for this, you should change the words and structure of the paragraph completely. 

4. Make Notes 

After selecting the topic, you should note down your ideas based on your previous knowledge. You can be able to do it by doing thorough research. It will help you write down your original ideas on the subject. Moreover, you can also eliminate the need to use other sources. Thus, it helps you avoid accidental plagiarism.

5.Organize Work

Another way through which you can avoid accidental plagiarism is by organizing the work. Whenever you use some data, make sure to compile them in a separate document or folder. Moreover, you should also label it as “references”. In this way, it becomes easy for you to include them in the paper along with a correct description. 

6.Permission from Author 

In writing a paper, you have to include images and visual representations to explain your points clearly. In such a situation, you should take permission from the original creator. On the contrary, if you use an image without consent, then you have to face legal consequences.

7.Online Tools

In today’s technology world, there are many tools available that you can use to detect and avoid plagiarism. For this, first, you have to run your paper on the tool. Then, it will detect the errors by matching them with the database. After this, it provides the text that contains similarities. So, in this way, you can avoid accidental plagiarism. Moreover, the tools help you to double-check the paper. 


These are the tips that help you avoid accidental plagiarism in a paper. Cite the sources correctly. With this, you should also put the text in quotation marks. Moreover, you can use tools like plagiarism checker Australia to detect copied text. With the help of these tips, you can make your paper plagiarism-free. As a result, it can give you better grades along with presenting your credibility.