Similar to other business models, franchises are affected by disputes. Unfortunately, these disagreements can stall even the most successful franchise.


How you deal with arising disputes is what matters. Reputable franchise law firms can help franchises address arising disputes that can negatively impact operations.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms For Franchises

Franchise disputes can be resolved in many ways, without going to court. However, sometimes litigation may be the only option available.


Here's a breakdown of 10 resolution mechanisms for resolving franchise disputes:


Parties engage a neutral third party to facilitate discussions and reach a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation fosters communication and allows for creative problem-solving.


In this process, a neutral arbitrator or panel hears arguments and evidence from both sides and makes a binding decision. Arbitration offers a more formal structure than mediation and can be quicker and less expensive than litigation.


Franchisors and franchisees can directly discuss their differences and attempt to find a resolution without involving third parties. Negotiation allows for flexibility and preserves the relationship between the parties.


If other methods fail, parties can resort to litigation, where disputes are resolved in court. Litigation can be costly and time-consuming but provides a formal process with legal precedent.

Expert Determination

Parties agree to appoint an independent expert to resolve specific technical or industry-related disputes. Expert determination is efficient for resolving complex issues requiring specialized knowledge.

Collaborative Law

Each party retains a lawyer and commits to resolving the dispute cooperatively, focusing on interests rather than positions. Collaborative law promotes transparency and can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes.


Similar to mediation, conciliation involves a neutral third party facilitating discussions. However, the conciliator may offer suggestions for resolution, providing a more active role in the process.


Some franchises appoint an ombudsman to investigate complaints and recommend solutions. The ombudsman serves as an impartial advocate for fairness and can help maintain trust within the franchise system.

Peer Review Panels

Franchise systems may establish panels composed of franchisees to review disputes and make recommendations for resolution. Peer review panels promote accountability and understanding among franchisees.


Parties can revisit and amend their franchise agreement to address evolving circumstances or conflicts. Renegotiation allows for flexibility in resolving disputes while preserving the long-term relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee.

Common Franchise Disputes

Franchise disputes can arise from various issues within the franchising relationship, including:

Breach of Contract

This occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the franchise agreement, such as payment of fees or adherence to operational standards.

Trademark Infringement

Disputes may occur if a franchisee uses trademarks or intellectual property without authorization or if a franchisor accuses a franchisee of tarnishing the brand's reputation.

Territory Encroachment

Franchisees may clash if one infringes upon the exclusive territory rights of another, leading to competition and potential loss of market share.

Quality Control Issues

Franchisors may dispute with franchisees over the maintenance of brand standards, including product quality, customer service, and operational procedures.

Royalty and Fee Disputes

Franchisees may challenge the fairness or accuracy of royalty calculations or dispute additional fees imposed by the franchisor.

Non-Compete Violations

Franchisees may breach non-compete clauses by operating competing businesses or by engaging in activities that undermine the franchise's interests.

Contract Renewal and Termination Issues

Disputes can arise when franchise agreements come up for renewal, particularly if there are disagreements over terms or if one party wishes to terminate the relationship prematurely.

Advertising and Marketing Disputes

Franchisors and franchisees may disagree on advertising strategies, contribution amounts, or the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Supply Chain Issues

Disputes may occur over the sourcing, pricing, or quality of products supplied to franchisees, impacting their ability to meet customer demands.

Misrepresentation and Fraud

Franchisees may allege that franchisors made misleading statements or failed to disclose material information during the sales process, leading to financial losses or operational challenges.

Potential Consequences of Failing to Resolve Disputes in a Franchise

Failing to resolve franchise disputes can lead to detrimental consequences:

Damage to Brand Reputation

Public disputes can tarnish the brand's image, eroding consumer trust and loyalty.

Financial Losses

Litigation and prolonged conflicts incur substantial legal fees and potential damages, draining resources from both franchisors and franchisees.

Franchisee Turnover

Unresolved disputes may prompt franchisees to exit the system, leading to loss of revenue and destabilization of operations.

Decreased Productivity

Franchisees and franchisors may become preoccupied with disputes, diverting attention from core business activities and hindering growth.

Legal Compliance Risks

Failure to address legal obligations or contractual breaches can result in regulatory penalties or further litigation, exacerbating the situation and damaging the franchise's viability.



Each of these mechanisms offers its advantages and disadvantages. So, the most appropriate method will depend on the nature of the dispute and the preferences of the parties involved.