Nothing is better than living with your best furry friend. Having your cat, dog, or other pet living with you brings great joy, calm, and companionship, especially if you’re living on your own.


Chances are you can find pet-friendly apartments in Santa Fe, which is definitely good news. But just because you located a place that allows you to bring your pet, it doesn’t mean your job is done. Instead, you have to prepare your apartment for your pet in order to make sure that your little one is as comfortable as possible. There are many things to remember and tips to follow if you want your pet to feel at home.


Create A Safe Space

One of the best things you can do right away is make sure that your pet feels safe. But that takes more than just being close to your cat or dog. Instead, you have to also create a special area for your furry friend with their bed, toys, and water and food bowls. This will make sure that your pet knows this is also their home too. Creating this sense of safety is perhaps the first thing you should do when you move into your new apartment. Right away, your buddy will get cozy and happy.



It is also important that you consider your pet’s needs are different from yours, including when it comes to temperature and ventilation. You need to ensure proper ventilation and also make sure the temperature feels comfortable too. Remember that pets feel things differently than you do. Keep a close eye on the climate, especially during the very warm summer months and the very cold winter season.


Clean Regularly

As much as we love our pets, it’s very clear that they can create quite a mess. That means that if you want to keep both them and yourself comfortable, you need to commit to a strict cleaning schedule. This will make your space feel good but it’ll also keep you and your pet healthy too. Pet dander and other messes can have a negative impact on your health if left unchecked.



Just like you, your pet needs exercise when living in an apartment. That means that you want to make sure you take your dog for walks and have plenty of toys and entertainment for any type of pet. Make sure that they play interactive games and keep them physically and mentally engaged.


You need to always remember that your pet needs a lot of attention, especially when living in an apartment. No one, including animals, likes to feel cooped up so you’ll have to give extra consideration to how to keep them feeling excited and entertained.