Are you looking to buy verified Paxful accounts from a reliable source? Global SMM Shop offers verified accounts and reliable customer service.

Our service gives-

 100% Satisfaction & Recovery Guaranteed
 Full KYC Verified/ Selfie Verified
 Email Login Access
 Random country-based accounts
 Verified with a trusted bank
 Verified with ID Card
 Verified with real phone number and address
 Verified with Prepaid Card
 Full Verified Accounts
 No limit on Transactions
 Real IP verified, not an auto-generated one
 No limit to transaction
 Fully functional account verified with unique credentials
 50+ previous trade history.
 USA, UK, CAN, AUS, KHM, COL, DEU other countries Paxful
 100% money-back guarantee
 10 Days Replacement

If you have more questions then contact us, We will help you to solve your all questions Have a Great Day

Email :
Skype : @globalsmmshop
Telegram : @globalsmmshop
WhatsApp: +1(917) 409-8220