Critter solar guards may seem innocuous, but in reality, they help protect the solar panels, especially on the roof, from animals and birds that live in your locality and visit your home from time to time. The most common examples of such animals are rabbits, rats, mouses, squirrels, and birds. These are animals that climb up the building structure and easily climb onto panels with ease. The teeth and the claws of these animals can harm the panels and the entire solar panel system until proper care is taken to protect them and keep them out of harm's way.

The best is to use the critter guards. These guards are installed in and around the solar panels and other system elements, creating a physical barrier between the panels and rodents and the birds.

Two elements that are areas of concern when the solar panels are installed on the roof are – the inclement weather and the place's local fauna. If extra care is not taken, your panels and the entire system is left exposed to the mercies of these small and tiny local animals that will bite and chew their way into the system or make their nest somewhere in between. With wires and metallic structures all around, it is easy for them to hide, get adventurous, delve their sharp tooth and claws into the integral elements of the solar energy system.

Another natural element that can cause potential damage to your system on the rooftop is the debris from the surroundings. Twigs, dry branches, and leaves are flammable materials. The risk of fire will always be there with such waste around.

What advantages can be enjoyed by using solar panel critter guard?

Using the critter guards or the solar bird netting systems, as they are called, can keep a lot of your stress and tension at bay! Using the right kind of critters can help block birds, animals, twigs, and branches from getting anywhere close to the solar energy system.

When you choose to install critter guard solar, you need to either speak with your solar installation company or get in touch with a solar expert who will help you install the right device.

You can choose to install the guards when installing the entire system or have it installed later. It is best advised never to do the work without consulting with experts. Remember, the system is highly complex, and you could do a lot of harm to the system by handling it without any know-how of the system.
