The primary structure of a protein, which is determined by the linear sequence of amino acids, plays a crucial role in the process of protein synthesis. Here's a summary of the key points based on the provided search results:

Primary Protein Structure and Synthesis

  • Amino Acid Sequence: The primary structure of a protein refers to the linear sequence of amino acids in a peptide or protein This sequence is reported from the amino-terminal (N) end to the carboxyl-terminal (C) end. The formation of the primary structure involves the polymerization of amino acids via peptide bonds to form a long backbone, with the different amino acid side chains protruding along it.

    • The primary structure of a protein is encoded by a gene, and any changes to the sequence of the gene can alter the primary structure of the protein and all subsequent levels of protein structure, ultimately changing the overall structure and function.
  • Role in Protein Synthesis: During translation, the cell's ribosomes synthesize proteins based on the information present in the nucleotide sequence of mRNA. The mRNA provides the template for the synthesis of a protein, with the sequence of codons specifying the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain.

  • Biological and Chemical Synthesis: In biological systems, proteins are produced during translation by a cell's ribosomes. Some organisms can also make short peptides by non-ribosomal peptide synthesis, which often use amino acids other than the standard 20 and may be cyclized, modified, and cross-linked.

  • Regulation and Function: The primary structure of a protein is crucial for its subsequent folding and adoption of a specific structure, which enables the protein to carry out its functions. The rate of protein synthesis is controlled by the rate of transcription of specific genes, by the number and state of aggregation of ribosomes, and by modulation of the rate of initiation of peptide synthesis.