Elevating your keyword rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) remains a priority for ecommerce marketers, given its correlation with attracting qualified traffic. Unlike the transient nature of paid traffic strategies, partnering with an ecommerce SEO agency promises sustained traffic growth for your store in the long run.

Selecting the right agency can equip you with a comprehensive suite of services, including devising an SEO-focused content strategy, establishing a robust backlinking system, and deploying tools to identify and rectify technical website issues.

Contemplating a collaboration with an ecommerce SEO agency necessitates a grasp of the extensive support they offer and whether such a partnership could enhance your brand. Let's delve into what an ecommerce SEO agency can deliver.

  1. Unearthing and Targeting High-Volume Keywords At the onset, an ecommerce SEO agency embarks on comprehensive keyword research. This foundational step aims to chart the course for your campaign.

Keyword research zeroes in on identifying and targeting relevant high-volume keywords—search queries that register substantial search volumes across platforms like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and Semrush facilitate this process.

Effectively conducting keyword research involves considerations such as:

  • Understanding your ideal customer demographics
  • Analyzing competitors' targeted keywords
  • Identifying keywords that offer the best return on investment (ROI) for your store
  • Strategizing to optimize existing web pages with chosen keywords
  • Determining the optimal number and type of keywords (primary, secondary, or long-tail) for profitability

This research provides an overview of your market landscape, including potential customer search terms, enabling your ascent to the top of SERPs for increased traffic, visibility, and conversions.

Additionally, this data guides the agency in anticipating competition levels, allowing them to strategically prioritize battles for optimal results based on your budget and goals. For instance, they might pursue lower-volume, cost-effective keywords for swift results with a limited budget or opt for highly competitive keywords, guaranteeing future traffic growth for larger budgets.

When considering an agency for your ecommerce brand, presenting a list of key keywords you aim to rank for can aid in context-setting during discussions.

  1. Crafting Compelling, Memorable Content In the realm of SEO, quality content parallels the effectiveness of impactful ads in paid campaigns. Thus, creating engaging, informative content forms the linchpin for maximizing organic reach and nurturing meaningful relationships with potential customers.

The beauty of content creation lies in its cost-effectiveness and sustainability compared to paid ad-driven traffic generation. Leveraging keywords from prior research, your eCommerce SEO Agency generates content concepts and devises a tailored content marketing blueprint. The key lies in relevance to your niche, which provides an initial traffic surge.

Subsequently, the agency crafts engaging content while strategically integrating target keywords. The versatility of this content allows repurposing across social media or email channels through platforms like GetResponse, amplifying its reach and impact.

Before publication on your online store, the agency optimizes and formats content for SERP ranking using SEO software solutions like Surfer (as depicted). Attention to tone, style, and digestibility sans technical jargon defines the content creation process. Consistent content sharing, featuring user-generated content (UGC) on-site via SEO-optimized widgets like eMarspro TurnTo’s, keeps your website updated with fresh, engaging material.

  1. Enhancing Site Speed Page speed significantly influences page rankings on SERPs. Studies consistently highlight that over 50% of prospects abandon slow-loading pages.

When an ecommerce SEO agency addresses page speed, it references the time taken for a product page to load, comprising the browser's download duration for visible assets like stylesheets, scripts, and images.

The SEO consensus aligns with Google's recommendation of an ideal load time of under two seconds. A mere one-second delay or a 3-second load duration deters most web users. The initial five seconds of page loading significantly impact conversion rates, emphasizing the importance of optimal load times.

Optimizing your store to load within three seconds or less emerges as a primary objective for your ecommerce SEO agency. Initial steps involve assessing current load speeds through tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights (referenced below).

In case your store surpasses the three-second threshold, the agency investigates potential causes such as unoptimized images, scripts, or content. Strategies to improve load speed encompass HTML, Javascript & CSS file minification, minimizing redirects, image compression, and caching. The optimization may also extend to visual content like Ratings & Reviews or UGC on product pages for efficient user experiences.

  1. Enhancing Internal Linking & Site Architecture An ecommerce SEO agency dedicates attention to your store's hyperlinks or URLs.

Internal links interconnect various pages within your website, facilitating visitor navigation and aiding search engines in comprehending your store's content hierarchy and relevance.

Leveraging internal links, the agency amplifies a URL's page authority, a predictive metric for SERP rankings. SEO-optimized internal links convey structure, authority, and meaning to search engines.

Website architecture prioritizes and organizes information within your store, enhancing user experience and aiding search engine crawlability. An optimized architecture streamlines Google's understanding of your store while augmenting customer satisfaction.

Ecommerce SEO agencies employ principles such as intuitive navigation, unique URLs, and minimized clicks to optimize your store's URLs, sitemap, and navigation.

  1. Crafting Guest Posts for Credible Sites Guest posting on reputable websites, recognized as authority sites, constitutes a vital SEO strategy embraced by most ecommerce SEO agencies.

These guest posts, authored by your brand, adorn authority sites with your store's URL, social media handles, bio, and image. Leveraging such platforms aids in:

  • Channeling targeted organic traffic to your store
  • Boosting SERP rankings via backlinks, affirming your store's credibility
  • Expanding online visibility through collaborations with related websites
  • Augmenting domain authority through niche-relevant backlinks, facilitating ranking for target keywords and lead generation

Ecommerce SEO experts strategically target ecommerce websites and industry-specific reputable platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce for guest posting. The frequency of guest posts may vary, ranging from two to a dozen per month, contingent on the agency's approach.

Exemplary Ecommerce SEO Agencies Within the expansive digital marketing landscape, specialized ecommerce SEO agencies hold expertise in propelling ecommerce entities to top SERP positions. Noteworthy agencies include:

‍Disruptive Advertising: Esteemed for its diverse marketing services, Disruptive Advertising excels in conversion rate optimization, encompassing a range of SEO and marketing facets.

Thrive Internet Marketing Agency: Positioning itself as a full-service digital marketing agency, Thrive boasts a diverse portfolio and offers tailored ecommerce SEO strategies alongside various marketing services.

Everstar Ecommerce Marketing Agency: This Florida-based agency thrives on elevating ecommerce businesses online through foundational growth strategies encompassing social media, Google Shopping ads, and comprehensive ecommerce SEO campaigns.

While SEO agencies differ in their approach, the outlined steps form the fundamental framework for any proficient SEO marketing agency. These components represent the minimum expectations for an agency, encompassing holistic SEO strategies (beyond independent contractors focused on specific issues).

Remember, SEO outcomes demand time (approximately 6-12 months) to manifest, necessitating patience for visible results.