Terracotta jewelry, with its earthy charm and timeless appeal, requires thoughtful care to preserve its beauty. Here are essential maintenance tips to ensure your terracotta treasures remain vibrant and last for years to come.


1. Handle with Care

Terracotta jewelry can be delicate, so handle it with care to prevent breakage or damage. Avoid dropping or forcefully handling the pieces, especially the intricate components like jhumkas and beads.


2. Avoid Exposure to Harsh Chemicals

Keep your terracotta jewelry away from harsh chemicals such as perfumes, hairsprays, and cleaning agents. These substances can tarnish the clay and affect the vibrant colors of your jewelry. Put on your terracotta treasures after applying perfumes or any beauty products.


3. Store Separately

To prevent scratches or entanglement, store your terracotta jewelry separately. Use individual compartments or soft pouches for each piece. This not only protects the jewelry from damage but also preserves the intricate details.


4. Clean Gently

When cleaning terracotta jewelry, use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away dust or dirt. Avoid using water, as terracotta is porous and can absorb moisture. If necessary, use a slightly damp cloth, but ensure the jewelry is completely dry before storing it.


5. Regular Inspection

Periodically inspect your terracotta jewelry for any signs of wear or damage. Check for loose beads, cracks, or changes in color. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.


6. Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure

Terracotta jewelry is sensitive to sunlight, which can fade its vibrant hues. Store your pieces in a cool, dark place to preserve their original colors and prevent unnecessary wear due to prolonged sun exposure.


7. Remove Before Water Activities

Terracotta is porous and can absorb water, potentially leading to changes in its structure. Remove your terracotta jewelry before engaging in water activities, such as swimming or showering, to prevent damage.


8. Reapply Sealant if Necessary

Some terracotta jewelry may be coated with a sealant to enhance its durability. If you notice the sealant wearing off, consider reapplying a thin layer to protect the jewelry. Check with the manufacturer for recommended sealants.


9. Professional Cleaning

For intricate terracotta jewelry with hard-to-reach areas, consider professional cleaning. Experts can safely remove accumulated dirt and grime without compromising the integrity of the piece.


10. Rotate Usage

If you own a collection of terracotta jewelry, rotate its usage. This prevents overexposure to elements and ensures that each piece receives equal care and attention over time.


By following these maintenance tips, you can prolong the life and vibrancy of your terracotta jewelry, allowing you to continue showcasing these beautiful treasures with pride and style.

As a dedicated terracotta jewelry manufacturer and wholesaler, Warddrobe understand the importance of caring for these exquisite creations. Our commitment goes beyond crafting timeless pieces; we also provide valuable insights to ensure our clients and retailers maintain the longevity of our terracotta treasures. Handle your jewelry with care, keep it away from harsh chemicals, and store it separately to preserve its intricate details. Regularly inspect your pieces and follow our maintenance tips to enjoy the enduring beauty of terracotta. We take pride in not only delivering quality jewelry but also empowering our clients with the knowledge to care for and showcase these unique creations with grace.