One of the most common activities to engage in during the colder months of the year is to sit with your friends and family and eat dry fruits. This hobby is enjoyed by people from all walks of life in Pakistan, whether they be rich or poor, city people or village dwellers. The majority of people eating dry fruit are eating either the mong phali or the kishmish.

These two can both be considered the most consumed dry fruit in Pakistan. The reason for this is mainly that dry fruits have unfortunately gotten so expensive in Pakistan that these two are the only ones most people can afford. So, most people keep eating the same dry fruit again and again,

So, in this article, we will tell you about a different way to eat this dry fruit that might help make your dry fruit consumption more fun and interesting.

How Do People Eat the Most Consumed Dry Fruit in Pakistan?

Before we tell you about a different way to consume these dry fruits, we should establish what the normal, or rather more common way to eat them is.

Starting off with the mong phali, there are two major ways that people consume this dry fruit. The first is to buy them with the shell in large quantities and eat them as a snack on their own. This is the common way to eat them during the winter season itself.

The other way is to add them as an ingredient in dishes, particularly some main dishes made in Pakistan that use peanuts as an ingredient. For this purpose, the packaged form of shelled peanuts is what is mainly used.

When it comes to kishmish, they are used as a topping in sweet dishes in Pakistan like cakes and halwa. This is the main usage of the kishmish for most people. Although some people still eat them as a snack during the winter season, this is still rarely on their own.

Now let’s introduce you to a new way of eating these dry fruits:

Dry Fruit in the form of a Mixer

A different way to eat your most commonly consumed dry fruit that will make it both fun and appealing to eat after having eaten it so many times before is to eat it in the form of a dry fruit mixer, also referred to as mixed dry fruits.

In this form, multiple dry fruits are mixed together to be eaten. Different sellers vary on the ratio of the dry fruits that they put in them. The price of the product will also vary depending on whether the ratio of more expensive dry fruits is higher or the more common, cheaper dry fruits are in a high ratio in the dry fruit mixer.

The Benefit of Eating Your Dry Fruits Mixed

The unfortunate reality of dry fruits in Pakistan is that they have become extremely expensive to purchase in recent years. This sky-high and constantly increasing price has made them unattainable for the majority of the population of the country.

Here, getting mixed dry fruits can turn out to be quite beneficial for you. The fact that you are getting your dry fruits in mixed form means that you are able to enjoy multiple different kinds of dry fruits without having to spend a large amount of money buying each of these dry fruits in individual quantities.

This also means that you are able to get more well-rounded health benefits because you are not restricting yourself to just a single dry fruit. Doctors have already recommended being frugal in the number of dry fruits that you eat due to the high-calorie count that these foods tend to have.

So, by eating a mix of dry fruits, you get the different benefits that these foods provide without eating too much of a single dry fruit.

Going to an Online Dry Fruit Store

The last thing to talk about is where you should go to buy a pack of mixed dry fruits. While most people restrict themselves to a physical dry fruit store, we would recommend that you actually do your dry fruit purchasing online.

The main reason that we say this is that a huge benefit of online stores is that you will find a much larger variety of products on an online platform, and this also applies to getting a dry fruit mixer.

The fact is that because they are mixed, the price and the ratio of the dry fruits, as stated earlier, can vary a lot. Going to a physical dry fruit store can often mean that you only have one option that you are forced to buy, as there is nothing else.

Online platforms give you the choice of different websites and even different options for mixed nuts on a single online store. What this means is that you can get a pack that suits your budget instead of forcing yourself to get something that is not as suitable for you.


If you are tired of eating the most consumed dry fruit in Pakistan in the same old ways of snacking on it with your friends, eating your mong phali or kishmish in mixed form with other dry fruits can provide a good alternative way of consuming them that is both fun and beneficial.