In Vedic astrology, Shani or Saturn is called the planet of karma or justice. It is associated with ethics, career, achievements, virtues, justice, and values. Its return can often cause a big churn in a person’s life. People fear Saturn as it is a malefic. Saturn is a disciplinarian and taskmaster. It wants us to work hard and be disciplined. Saturn is a teacher who makes us learn important life lessons the hard way. It punishes us for our evil deeds and rewards our good deeds. Saturn’s goal is to bring about spiritual growth and self-realization. Saturn’s influence in Vedic astrology is very important, and it has significant implications for how a person’s life turns out to be.

 Characteristics of Planet Saturn

If Saturn is placed favorably in your birth chart, you will have everything you desire. You may enjoy good health, wealth, and prosperity. You will be an ethical and honest person. Saturn also rules old age and longevity.

 Let’s see Saturn’s effects on a person - good, medium, and bad.

 Favorable Saturn

The native will be patient, persevering, and hardworking. They will be prudent and frugal in money matters. Also, they have the power to keep secrets and have a strong sense of duty. The native with favorable Saturn will be truthful, reliable, honest, moral, and sincere. They may be spiritual types who practice meditation, perform charitable acts, etc.


Afflicted Saturn

Afflicted or malefic Saturn causes delays, disappointments, discord, disputes, despondency, and differences. Its influence makes the native lazy, lethargic, and idle.

 Weak Saturn

A weak Saturn spells downfall for the native. Let us now have a look at how a weak Saturn affects an individual's life. The effects of a weak Saturn manifest in the following ways:

∙ The native faces a lot of struggles in their life. Their life will be hard, and they may have to deal with many losses.

∙ The native may lose all his wealth. They may be born rich, but they can lose most of their wealth before they turn 35 years old.

∙ The native may suffer from many diseases. It is possible that the diseases will be deadly or chronic.

∙ A weak Saturn could enhance the chances of the native getting imprisoned.

∙ The native may face many problems in their married life. They are likely to have constant arguments with their partners and spouses.

∙ Natives with a weak Saturn could have a rough childhood. They may undergo many bad experiences in their childhood, like poor parenting, strained relationships between them and their parents, absent parents, and the loss of loved ones.

If you have a weak or afflicted Saturn in your birth chart, it is essential to perform certain remedies to strengthen it. This can mitigate the negative effects and ensure less problems in your life.

 Here are ten remedies for balancing Saturn’s energy in your life:

 1. Become More Spiritual: Engage in spiritual practices and connect with your higher self. Meditation, yoga, and prayer can help a lot. These activities can appease Saturn and elevate your consciousness.

2. Worship Hanuman: Hanuman is known as a deity who can control Saturn’s negative influences. Worshipping Hanuman will help reduce the adverse effect of Saturn and protect you from negativity and delusions.

3. Chant the Shani Stotra: Recite the Shani Stotra regularly. This hymn is a powerful prayer that embodies humility and devotion.

4. Perform Acts of Charity: Serving and helping the less fortunate can bring Saturn’s blessings. It boosts your good karma, and nothing pleases Saturn more than good deeds.

5. Be Disciplined: Saturn is strict and disciplined. By being disciplined in life, we can win Saturn’s favor.

6. Observe Fast: Fasting on Saturdays, which are associated with Shani, is believed to please Saturn and attract his blessings. Fasting also helps develop self-control, which is a must for spiritual growth.

7. Wear Blue Sapphire: Wear a blue sapphire gemstone as a pendant or ring after consulting with a Vedic astrologer. This can reduce Saturn’s negative influence. Blue sapphire represents purity and can boost spiritual growth.

8. Respect the Elderly: Being respectful and helpful to the elderly pleases Saturn immensely. Saturn signifies old age. By serving the elderly, we can attract Saturn’s blessings.

9. Chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: This powerful Mantra offers spiritual protection and helps us overcome fear and misfortunes, which are associated with Saturn. Chanting it daily brings inner transformation and boosts our courage and faith.

10. Practice Forgiveness: Nursing grudges creates karmic debts, which Saturn will want you to account for. When you forgive those who have wronged you, you will be able to get rid of negative energies and attract positive energies.