How Big Can Progressive Jackpots Get? Progressive jackpots can become astronomically high, offering top prizes that are worth millions of dollars. When popular slot games are made accessible to players across multiple online casinos, the progressive jackpots will begin to soar. When progressive jackpots go unclaimed for quite some time, it’ll attract the attention of players. In many cases, the longer the jackpot goes unclaimed, โปรโมชั่นpg the quicker it increases in value. In September 2018, an anonymous Android smartphone user won a progressive jackpot of $22.3 million by playing Mega Moolah. He took home the lucrative prize in less than 50 spins with 75-cent stakes. I also want to mention that payouts via online slots are well below the total prize money claimed at land-based casinos. In 2003, a software engineer won over $38 million playing Megabuck slots at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. He only spent $3 on his winning spin. As you can see, the prizes can be outrageous. There are plenty of smaller wins too, and people win six-figured prizes fairly often. You can always check our list of best progressive jackpots online if you want to select exciting games with a big prize.