Nowadays, there are a large number of telecom services that are offered by telecom operators. Regardless of the operator type – MNO or MVNO – the catalogue of services almost always remains similar. While MNOs operate with their own telecom infrastructure and network hardware, the performance of MVNO operations is dependent upon the capabilities of their partnering MVNE and MVNA.



Sync Up Telecom Services with Convergent Charging

A convergent charging platform like an Online Charging System telecom is capable of synchronizing the various services delivered by a telecom services provider. It can do that because an OCS Online Charging System is capable of charging both event- and session-based services at a single point.

As a result, the monetization of voice, data, SMS, broadband and video streaming services can be done at a common point. It provides great flexibility to operators, who otherwise used to struggle with service integration in their offerings.




Another aspect of a convergent charging platform is its ability to generate fully-itemized bills that reflect service charges of each and every service used in a common invoice.

At Online Charging System, we offer true real-time charging services that help telcos conceptualize better service offerings and synchronize their vast catalogue of services.