When a person loses a lot of weight, the skin cannot adequately shrink due to poor tissue elasticity. Skin hangs and droops, creating uneven contours. No amount of exercise or dieting will make the excess skin go away. Surgery is required to remove the excess loose skin thus improving the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin.

A circumferential body lift procedure removes a belt of skin, subcutaneous fat and tissue in the abdomen, skin in the waist and buttock areas, resulting in a smoother, more youthful body contour. These physical changes to the body can improve your body image and enhance self-confidence.

Candidates for Circumferential Body Lift Procedure
The best candidates for circumferential body lifts are healthy non-smokers who are of stable weight and have a positive outlook and realistic goals in mind. At the time of your consultation your goals, the circumferential body lift procedure, and routine post-operative healing process will be explained in detail and all of your questions will be answered. Your medical history will be reviewed to ensure you are a healthy candidate for surgery.

Candidates for Circumferential Body Lift Procedure
The best candidates for circumferential body lifts are healthy non-smokers who are of stable weight and have a positive outlook and realistic goals in mind. At the time of your consultation your goals, the circumferential body lift procedure, and routine post-operative healing process will be explained in detail and all of your questions will be answered. Your medical history will be reviewed to ensure you are a healthy candidate for surgery.

If you are a post-gastric bypass patient, Dr. Lynam will carefully evaluate you, spending a great deal of time discussing with you your goals to determine what procedures are best suited for your needs and often consult with your bariatric surgeon to maximize the safety of this procedure.


The circumferential body lift procedure is individualized to your specific areas that are to be treated.


A circumferential incision around the abdominal area, extending around the sides and into the lower back is used to remove excess skin and fat and reposition and tighten tissues. The result leaves a single scar. In many cases incisions may be extensive. A combination of liposuction and circumferential body lift procedures may be necessary to achieve an improved contour. Deep sutures within underlying tissue help to form the newly shaped contour. The circumferential body lift procedure is performed in a hospital operating room with the patient usually spending 1 night in the hospital. Small or minimal circumferential body lift procedures may be performed as outpatient with a nurse going home with you to assist you with your post-operative care.



The circumferential body lift procedure is individualized to your specific areas that are to be treated.

A circumferential incision around the abdominal area, extending around the sides and into the lower back is used to remove excess skin and fat and reposition and tighten tissues. The result leaves a single scar. In many cases incisions may be extensive. A combination of liposuction and circumferential body lift procedures may be necessary to achieve an improved contour. Deep sutures within underlying tissue help to form the newly shaped contour. The circumferential body lift procedure is performed in a hospital operating room with the patient usually spending 1 night in the hospital. Small or minimal circumferential body lift procedures may be performed as outpatient with a nurse going home with you to assist you with your post-operative care.

Surgery takes 4-6 hours to perform depending on the extent of the surgical procedure and is done under general anesthesia. Multiple drains are placed to remove any small amount of fluid collection for 7-10 days following surgery.



Since tightening of the abdomen is involved, you are instructed to avoid standing fully upright, bending and stressing any internal sutures as they heal and to sleep with pillows elevating your knees.

You will be given instructions to return to light walking as soon as possible to minimize the potential for blood clots and other complications. Vigorous exercise routines may resume 6-8 weeks following surgery. Most patients return to work in 2 weeks.

You will be placed in an abdominal binder, which is to be worn 12 hours per day after surgery as this helps to minimize swelling and to support your new contours as you heal. Numbness and a firm feeling over the skin surface will resolve over time. It may take a year or more for incision lines to refine and fade. Although permanent, these lines can usually be hidden by most clothing and swimsuits. Follow all instructions carefully as this is essential to the success of your outcome. The results of a body lift are visible almost immediately.
However, it may take several months for your final results to fully develop. Once developed, your new uplifted body contour will greatly improve your image and self-esteem and should be long-lasting – provided you maintain your weight and general fitness.

upper body

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for the circumferential body lift procedure is to schedule a consultation.