Bankuet is the UK’s first digital zero waste food donation platform and the number one supplier to food banks. Our mission is to get food banks what they need, when they need it – and to make it easier for donors to give. Our social impact is also built into the DNA of the company. Our KPI is not profit, but rather the amount of people helped.

Through the money it raises, Bankuet buys essential items from food retailers requested in advance by the food banks. Bankuet uses the funds raised via our platform to buy the needed items in bulk releasing value for food banks and saving donors time. Bankuet then delivers it to the food banks – at a time when they need it most. Bankuet is able to negotiate a better deal with food retailers by buying these items in bulk, which means the money stretches further and there is zero waste.

By using existing infrastructures, both on the ground and online, Bankuet has brought stability to the supply chain for food banks across the UK, and enabled a more efficient donation of food. Because we combine donor gifts and bulk buy, we reduce the need for smaller deliveries or the need for a food bank to collect items using their own transport.

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