When you take the time to visit your dentist, they will be able to help you take good care of your teeth. In addition to getting those teeth cleaned and looking beautiful, they can step in and prevent a bunch of different disorders and diseases of the mouth. One of the most common issues that can come up when you don’t take good care of your teeth and oral hygiene and you don’t visit your dentist often is periodontal disease.


Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection in the gums around the teeth, it is also one of the biggest causes of adult tooth loss because the gums are not able to hold onto the teeth and keep them anchored in well. There are also some studies out there that show a big link between heart problems and gum disease, so there are several reasons to take good care of your gums.


Everyone has some risk for gum disease. But it is most common once you reach the age of 30. Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors along with dry mouth and diabetes to name a few of the biggest causes. You may start to notice some of the signs and symptoms of this disorder early on too. There are also a few symptoms that you need to look at including:

# Pain when you chew and eat

# Teeth that are sensitive

# Red, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums

# Bad breath


Gingivitis is the technical name for gum disease and if you run into periodontitis, this is going to be advanced gum disease. Regular checkups with your dentist, brushing your teeth, and flossing is the best way to prevent this problem in the first place. If it has been a long time since you went to the dentist and you start to notice some of the signs above, then you need to go and visit the dentist and discuss gum disease. They can provide some of the best treatment that can prevent further problems like tooth loss.


Our office is here to take the best care of your teeth possible. We have worked hard to come up with the best techniques in dentistry to make sure that your teeth are as healthy as possible along the way, including laser dentistry to make the process as simple as possible. We are excited to have you come into our office and take a look around, explore some of the services we offer, and to take the best care of your teeth possible. Contact our team today to set up your next dental appointment.