This century we have witnessed two major technology trends that have changed our lives. These two technologies are- cloud computing and mobile technology. Talking about mobile cloud computing, it is an infrastructure where data storage, as well as processing, takes place outside the user’s mobile device.

Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile Cloud Computing, abbreviated as MCC refers to a combination of cloud computing, mobile computing as well as a wireless network for driving rich computational resources to mobile users, network providers along with cloud computing providers. The underlying concept of Mobile Cloud Computing is to execute mobile applications over several devices at the same time. The Mobile Cloud Apps combines the strength of centralized and powerful cloud computing platforms present in different locations in the cloud. When it comes to monetary benefits, MCC is an economical option that reduces human time as well. The reason why MCC is economical is because of the fact that it is based on the principle of as you go.

The architecture of Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile Cloud Computing is based on the computational augmentation approach that is executed remotely rather than going for execution on the device. Using computational augmentation, mobile devices use computational resources of diverse cloud-based resources. These are- distant in mobile Cloud, mobile computing, the proximity of mobile computing elements, and most important a hybrid cloud.

Mobile Cloud Computing Architecture

Why Mobile Cloud Computing?

Following are the reasons that support why one needs to choose Mobile Cloud Computing

  • Instant Development

Today, cloud companies have been developing mobile applications that would help customers regularly. These applications are backed by upgrades that help in improving the performance of applications. As these applications are continuously being improved, it has resulted in a quick development taking place in Mobile Cloud Computing.

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