In this article we are going to talk about some of the most important facets of Invisalign aligners in the context of orthodontic treatment. This article is going to shed some light upon this new and advanced aligner as far as orthodontic treatment is concerned. The article takes into account braces as a point of reference for you to understand the role of Invisalign in the realm of orthodontics. If you are looking for ortho in Cherry Hill, consider Cherry Hill Orthodontics.
Firstly, Invisalign is as effective as braces. It isn’t that Invisalign is only made from plastic. As a matter of fact Invisalign is made from specialized smart materials which ensures that the movement of the teeth and the progress can be controlled and managed. Today, the Invisalign technology is getting more sophisticated by the day. And as it gets more sophisticated by the day it is becoming as effective as the traditional metal aligners called braces. Invisalign today is being used for treating a wide array of orthodontic issues, some of which are even complex in nature which would traditionally need the treatment of traditional metal braces. Of course, there are still some cases wherein the complexity of the situation demands the use of metal braces. 
There is this common misconception that opting for Invisalign treatment would mean that it takes a lot more time than the usual for the treatment to come to fruition. But much of it depends on the question of how long the patient is using the aligners. The longer they use it during the day the better the results that they get. So, it is not that Invisalign aligners do not get you results sooner; it just depends on how dedicatedly you wear them. We all know and understand that there are some flexibilities with Invisalign that we get to enjoy. For instance, we can take it off before eating and before cleaning our mouth or brushing (which makes life fairly less difficult compared to life with braces installed in your mouth). But it does not mean that you keep the apparatus removed for more than what is required. Unless there is an absolute need to keep them off, you need to make sure that you have them installed for the longest of time period. The longer you keep them on, the sooner you are going to get excellent results. 
When you have Invisalign you can eat whatever you want. When you have metal braces, a lot of the things that you have eaten or that you liked eating will no longer be on the menu. For instance, you have to say no to gums, chewy candies, caramel, corn, pop-corn, steak, almonds, nuts, apples, carrots, and hard fruits and vegetables.