Have you made an objective to stay healthy this year and all the years to come? If so, you are probably looking for the best ways to either get in shape or maintain your physical fitness. If that is the case, you may want to look into having the necessary preventative visits each year with your medical team. Seeing a doctor, dentist, or eye doctor doesn't just have to be when there's a problem. In fact, it is recommended that you see each one of these physicians each year to monitor for changes.


Primary Care Physician

Your primary care physician preventative visit is probably covered by your medical insurance. During this visit, your doctor will discuss any changes, take your weight and height, as well as order any test that may be needed. This would be a good time to openly discuss concerns you have about your health or if you would like to get put on a nutrition or exercise plan. Your primary care physician can do many things for you. They are often considered the gateway to other physicians as well, especially if your insurance plan makes you have a referral.


Eye Doctor 

Everyone should have a vision screening once a year by eye doctors Calgary. This can note any changes with your eyesight or help you to get a proper prescription. As we age, our vision can change substantially from year to year. Seeing your eye doctor can keep you seeing 20/20 with glasses or contacts, or even discuss the possibility of corrective laser services. Eye problems can happen at any time, but as we age, more things can go wrong. That is why it's important to schedule your preventative visits at least once a year.



Everyone should see their dentist annually for cleanings and exams. Though, if you are short on money or don't have dental insurance, once a year for cleanings, exams, and an x-ray is recommended. Cleanings are the number one way to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral healthcare issues. The condition of your mouth will play a role in your medical health too. 


For The Ladies

Once a year, women should visit their gynecologist. There should be an exam to check for changes in breast tissue as well as perform a pap smear for any cervical changes. You can also discuss birth control needs or family planning. Should you be experiencing any problems throughout the year, you should make an appointment to see your gynecologist as needed.