Every milestone that a child achieves is a big achievement for the parents as well. While the initial few years are full of these gross and fine motor skill milestones, language learning and identifying things & sounds milestones, once a child starts the schooling journey, along with the learning goals they also reach a lot of social and emotional milestones. 

The transition from being at home to starting preschool is not easy for babies as well as parents. However, being prepared and ensuring that all preschool checklist items are prepared and ready can make the transition easier. 

Importance Of Preparing for a Child’s Preschool Experience

  • Easy transition: Being ready might make adjusting to a new setting easier.

  • Comfort and confidence: Having the right materials may make the toddler feel more at ease and self-assured.

  • Learning support: Having the kid ready guarantees their full participation in activities and educational experiences.

  • Safety and well-being: Having necessities like a water bottle and a change of clothes helps to ensure the safety and well-being of the youngster.

5 Must-Have Essentials for Preschoolers 

  1. Snacks & Water Accessories

Kids can get hungry anywhere, anytime. And once they are hungry, and do not get something to eat even for 10 minutes, they tend to get super cranky. Thus, even if the preschool serves meals and snacks to kids at specified times, it is good to send some homemade spare snacks for them.

There are hundreds of options available when it comes to tiffin boxes and water bottles for kids. Do not fall for the designs and look while compromising the quality and safety aspects. The best kind of snack and water accessories are the ones that are easy to clean, without any pipes, spouts or areas that can breed bacteria as they are difficult to clean. A stainless steel box and bottle are the most hygienic ones for kids, so look for safety over style.  

  1. Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are an eco-friendly, sustainable, budget-friendly, and conscious choice for parents. If your child is not completely potty trained yet, speak to your preschool support staff to cooperate on your cloth diaper journey for your child. Pack a few reusable cloth diapers and a few Padded Underwear in your baby’s bag.  


  • Why Cloth Diapers in Preschool - For preschoolers, there are several advantages to using cloth diapers. They lessen the possibility of rashes and irritation since they are soft on the child's skin. Cloth diapers are very affordable since they may be reused for several children and are adaptable to fit children of different sizes. Since they send less waste to landfills, a reusable diaper has a far less environmental effect than disposable diapers. Over time, they also save money because the original cost of cloth diapers may be recovered and even passed down to subsequent generations of children. Great quality cloth diapers such as SuperBottoms UNO are the best choice that is loved by more than 20 lakh parents. 

  • Environmental Impact & Cost Effectiveness - Because they send less trash to landfills than disposable diapers, reusable diapers have a far less environmental effect. Long-term cost savings are also achieved since the original cloth diaper investment may be carried over into a child's later years and can be reused for further children.


  1. Gentle Cloth Wipes

Gentle Cloth wipes play a significant role in maintaining a preschooler's sensitive skin. The delicate nature of young skin requires gentle care to prevent irritation, rashes, or discomfort. Using wipes specifically designed for sensitive skin can help maintain the skin's natural balance, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or dryness. Moreover, during preschool activities, children may encounter various substances that can irritate their skin, making gentle wipes essential for quick and effective cleanups without causing further irritation. When choosing wipes for preschoolers, several considerations are crucial. opt for wipes that are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and free from harsh chemicals such as alcohol or parabens, such as SuperBottoms XtraHydrating™. These features minimize the risk of skin irritation and allergic reactions, making them suitable for daily use on sensitive skin. Additionally, biodegradable wipes are environmentally friendly and align with the values of many preschools and families.

Incorporating gentle wipes into the preschool essentials’ checklist is essential for ensuring a child's comfort and well-being throughout the day. Including a supply of gentle wipes in the preschool essentials’ checklist enables quick access to a gentle cleaning solution, promoting cleanliness and comfort for the child. By having wipes readily available, parents and caregivers can address unexpected messes or skin sensitivities promptly, contributing to a positive preschool experience for the child.

  1. Wet Bag for Soiled Diapers & Messy Clothes

A wet bag is a hygienic choice that every parent must adopt for a diapered baby or any young child. If your baby soils their diapers or messes up their clothes with pee, paint or generally while playing, the soiled diapers and clothes can leak and mess up all other things in your child’s bag. 

A waterproof bag can ensure that these soiled items are stored hygienically by the time they reach home and there the odour is contained within the bag itself. 

  1. Spare Set of Change Clothes 

At this age, kids do not care about creating a mess while eating, playing, or having fun. Let kids be kids and let them enjoy and make a mess. Just send a pair of spare clothes in their preschool backpack so that if they by mistake soil their clothes accidentally peeing or pooping, creating an art masterpiece, or playing on the swings or the sandpit, their caretaker has fresh clothes to change them into. 

SuperBottoms EVRYdaywear™ is a great choice of comfortable clothing that can be sent in your child’s bag as a change of clothes. Available in sizes ranging from 6 months to 6 years, these are cute, colourful, and adorable clothing every child will love. 

Key Takeaways

  1. A child's completion of each milestone is a great satisfaction for their parents. The transition to preschool is a critical stage that includes social and emotional as well as academic milestones.

  2. A wet bag, a spare set of change clothes, cloth diapers, snacks and water accessories, and gentle cloth wipes. These supplies take care of the child's dietary requirements, personal cleanliness, comfort, and readiness for unforeseen circumstances.

  3. It is essential to be ready for a child's preschool experience to ease the transition, encourage comfort and confidence, enhance learning, and guarantee safety and well-being. These elements help the youngster have a good preschool experience.


Q1 – At what age should a child start going to preschool?

Ans – Traditionally, kids start their schooling journey at the age of 3. But in today’s age, looking at the busy schedule of parents, many kids start going to preschool or daycares at an early age. 

Q2 – Are there any specific clothing requirements for preschool?

Ans – Unlike formal schools, preschools do not have uniforms. Kids should be wearing comfortable Everyday Wear to allow them movement and comfort for bathroom breaks and playtime. 

Q3 – What are some other things kids should be carrying to playschool?

Ans – Playschools usually let kids learn with different fun and art forms. You can send a Waterproof Cloth Bib, a hand towel and some extra clothing along.