Dr. Priyanka Marathe (MBBS, MS gold medalist) is the best Consultant Eye surgeon at O2 Speciality Clinic in Sector 20 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
With 10+ years of experience Ophthalmology, she is one of the best Ophthalmologist.
Dr. Priyanka Marathe is best in providing following services in Sector 20 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
OPD consultation
Cataract surgery
Anterior segment surgeries.
Fundoscopy and retina scans
Retinal lasers and surgery

Dr. Priyanka Marathe is highly recommended by her patients for her expertise and appropriate diagnosis. She is the most reputed & best Consultant Eye surgeon in Sector 20 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Visit her website to book an appointment & start journey to better