About The Language

Chinese is one of the ancient languages that is still popular among the masses. The earliest known Chinese characters date around 1250 BC. That was more than 3,000 years ago.  Over 1.3 billion people speak Chinese. This translates to one in six speakers and 15% of the global population who speak it as their native language. There are more than 40 million Chinese speakers living in other Asian countries. This signifies that nations like Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia also speak Chinese.


Over 50,000 characters make up the Chinese alphabet. Even some Chinese dictionaries claim that it exceeds 50,000. To become proficient in Chinese, one does not need to learn more than 20,000 characters.

What is the need for Chinese Translation Services?

Chinese is one of the most significant languages that cannot be overlooked with 1.3 billion speakers worldwide.


China enjoys excellent commercial links with all of the world's major nations. China trades with all nations, whether they are in Europe, Africa, America, or other parts of Asia. China is viewed by all nations as a market with the potential to increase their revenue. Chinese translation services can help in this situation by putting non-Chinese speakers in touch with native Chinese speakers. Businesses are able to influence Chinese speakers and grow their business by making it popular with them.

Who Needs Chinese Translation Services?

Almost everyone from businesses to individuals needs Chinese translation services if they are planning to broaden their horizons in the Chinese market. Chinese speakers typically have a strong attachment to their own tongue and dislike conversing in some other language with non-Chinese speakers. Respecting their sentiments, it becomes highly important for businesses to hire expert Chinese translation service agencies to make their work easier.


China is a manufacturing powerhouse. Businesses require language translation services to seal the deal when they want to import goods from China. In terms of technical development, China is the country that is rising the quickest. Technology-related businesses must routinely conduct business with Chinese firms, necessitating the need for qualified Chinese translation services.

What are the advantages of Chinese Translation Services?

Business owners may choose to translate their information into Chinese for a variety of reasons. International collaborations, for instance, could seem like a fantastic prospect. Therefore, they require translation in order to advertise their products globally and expand their customer base. Additionally, a translation service provider will assist you with customizing your material for your target audience in addition to translating it.


Business Reliability: Using qualified business translation might help you establish reliability. They guarantee that your business identity and message are never forgotten. You may move throughout the international market with the aid of translation. This will provide you with an advantage over your rivals. Maintaining your target market's attention on your business is crucial for enhancing your brand image.


Higher Revenue: Using Chinese translation services might help your companies generate more income. Your trust with native Chinese speakers will rise as a result of your expanded presence in the Chinese market. Once people acquire a feeling of connectedness to your organisation, there is no turning back.


Strong Marketing: You will benefit from high internet visibility if you translate your web profile into one or more languages. Once they visit your website, your target group will feel recognized. This will support the international growth of your company. This may help you comprehend the significance of website localization.

Why Choose Us?

With more than ten years of expertise, Somya Translation is one of the more seasoned companies in the translation market. We offer expert Chinese translation services in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and other parts of countries as well. Companies who are having trouble choosing a trustworthy translation service provider that complies with their criteria may rely on Somya Translators as a trusted partner.